107. Mine

73 0 14

"You've gotta be kidding me."

I chuckled and poked David's chest, "What, you don't think you can handle this?"

He turned and gave me a "really?" look. "Out of all the rides in this place, this is the one you want to go on?"

I grinned and nodded in agreement. "Yup. These are my favorite."

He groaned and glanced at the ride again, an apprehensive expression on his face. "But you know I hate them..."

I faked a pout, "Aww, poor baby."

He rolled his eyes, playfully pushing my shoulder and I laughed, glad that he was acting normal, at least for the time being.

I took a couple steps forward and looked back at him, my lips struggling to hide a smirk. "Well, you gonna come or what?"

He sighed, "If I have to..."

I laughed again and shook my head, "Oh, I'm just kidding. You don't have to come, I know you can't stand spinny rides." I looked up at the sign above the gate once more, reading the name of "Tilt-A-Whirl." Basically the ride was a bunch of spinning "pods" that you sat in with a wheel in the middle of each that you turned to spin faster. While David wasn't a fan of getting super dizzy, I actually loved it. I don't know why, I guess I just find it funny when you get off and stumble around like a drunk until you can find your balance again.

I scanned my ticket and went to step on the metal platform, but out of the corner of my eye I saw David swipe his as well and I stopped, curious as to what he was doing.

He came up next to me and cocked his head, "Why'd you stop?"

"You're coming?"

He shrugged, "Why not?"

I considered him for a moment and then smiled, taking his hand and dragging him across the floor of the ride. I found the pod Stampy and Sqaishey were in and hopped in, taking a seat across from them. I snapped on the safety belt as David sat next to me, his stiff actions telling me that he was really not looking forward to this.

"You sure about this?" I asked him, trying to make my voice sincere, but I was too excited so it sounded more sarcastic than anything.

He nodded, "Yeah, how bad can it be?"

I just chuckled and the buzzer chimed, causing him to grab the edge of the seat like I had on the last ride.

"Don't blame me when you're complaining about how dizzy out of your wits you are," I teased as the tracks started pulling us around and we started to spin slowly.

Sqaishey and I must have had the same idea because we both grabbed the wheel in front of us, getting ready to spin it as fast as we could.

"O-ok-kay," David stuttered, his knuckles white. "Just t-take it s-slow... please..."

We glanced at him, analyzing his nervous expression for a mere second before we met eyes again, mischievous smirks spreading across our lips. As one, we yanked on the wheel as hard as we could, turning the pod into a relentless tornado.

David's body flung into me since he wasn't prepared for the sudden change in velocity and he cursed, struggling to push himself back up as the intense momentum was trying to keep him down. The rest of us however were laughing hysterically, my hair whipping to the side as we kept spinning. We were at a steady speed now since Stampy kept pulling on the wheel, not letting it slow down for anything. David was yelling profanities at him, telling him to knock it off as he was still glued to my side, unable to gather enough strength to sit up, but I don't think Stamps even heard him over his own laughter.

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