68. Attagirl!

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After a while, I heard someone call my name and turned my head to the dance floor. I saw Megan waving at me and I excused myself so I could go talk to her. "Hey, what's up?"

She took my hands and started jumping around, "Cam left to go get something to eat so I need someone to dance with!"

I grinned, "Well then let's show these people how it's done!"

We shimmied and twirled and jumped to the music, laughing our heads off the whole time. A few minutes later, I heard the familiar intro of my all time favorite song.

"Oh my god, this is my song!" I exclaimed.

"Didn't you make a dance to it?" Meg asked.

"Heck yeah!"

I started to do my routine but she grabbed my hand, "Well don't just stay here on the edge! Get in there girl!" She shoved me towards the middle of the floor and I glanced around nervously. She nodded at me encouragingly and my hips moved to the beat. Before long, I was going all out and people started to make a circle around me.


"Go Angel!"

"Damn, that girl's got moves!"

I grinned at the encouragement and kept going. When it got to the second chorus, a few people jumped into the circle and joined me. They quickly caught on and I laughed as we all moved in sync. Everyone whooped and hollered and when I ended with my special move, they all cheered. I was beaming and breathing hard and I felt so special just standing there and getting applauded.

An arm was suddenly wrapped around my neck and I gasped, but then they gave me a noogie and my panic quickly subsided. "Yeah! That's how you dance! Way to show 'em!"

I chuckled, "Thanks Cam, but watch the crown!"

He stopped rubbing my head and released me from his hold. "Oh, alright," he said teasingly. A slow melody started playing and Megan came up behind him, lacing their fingers together. He turned and smiled warmly at his girlfriend.

"Will you join me for this dance?" she asked sweetly, and he nodded.

I left them swaying gently together and made my way off the dance floor. I wasn't sure what to do next so I just wandered around for a bit.

When I passed the sitting area someone called, "Hey Angel! We were just gonna play spin the bottle! You want to join?"

I shook my head, "I'm good, thanks."

They shrugged, "Suit yourself."

Not even two seconds after I'd turned away, an arm was flung around my shoulders and a camera was shoved in my face. "Here's the birthday girl now!"

I grinned, "Hey Tycer, how you doing?"

"I'm doin' mighty fine, thank you. This is a great party!"

I nodded, "Totally."

"So how does it feel to be another year older?"

"Technically my birthday isn't until Monday so I can't really say."

He pouted, "Aw, you're no fun!"

I shrugged, "Sorry."

"Well, thanks for being in my vlog!"

"No problem!" We waved goodbye and he turned the camera off. I gave him a hug, "Hey, thanks so much for coming!"

"Of course! It's been too long!"

"Oh, I know. I haven't seen you guys in ages!"

"Well, this was the perfect excuse to come and see you. And to visit America! This is my first time here!"

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