66. This Is A Winner!

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"WHAT?!" Mindy yelled, so loud that practically the entire lunchroom turned to stare at her. Apparently she didn't notice though because she continued at the same volume, "What do you mean he's not coming for your birthday?!"

I glanced around nervously at all the angry glares we were getting and whispered, "Mindy, uh, maybe you could tone it down a bit?"

"No! I will not! This is an offense of the highe-!" A hand was clamped over her mouth and she shrieked in annoyance.

"Babe, you know I love ya, but even your voice can get annoying sometimes."

She narrowed her eyes and smacked the back of Zach's head.

"Ow!" He held up his hands, "I'm just saying!" She stuck her tongue out at him and he smirked, "If you want some, you just gotta ask."

She scoffed and turned back to me, "Boys... why do we even try?" I just shrugged and she crossed her arms, "So, you're being serious? David's not coming?"

I shook my head, "He's too busy. Plus, my birthday is on a Monday this year. I can't miss school."

She rolled her eyes, "You are such a geek."

"I prefer nerd, thank you very much," I teased.

"He could still come for the weekend, I mean who cares if it's not on the exact day? As long as you're getting some, everyone wins!"

I shrugged, "He said he's working on some secret project that's taking up all his time or something. I understand."

"Well, I don't. It's been so long! For reals, when was the last time you guys saw each other?"

I smirked at her, "Yesterday."

She groaned, "You know what I mean!"

"Maybe you just need to be more precise with your questions." She gave me a "shut up" look and I stared at a random spot on the table as I tried to remember. "Um... a couple weeks before school started?"

"What?! That's like," she quickly hummed the macarena and counted on her fingers, "five months!"

I glanced away and mumbled, "That's not that long..."

"Uh, yeah it is!"

I sighed and looked back to her, "Well there's not exactly anything I can do about it, is there? This is just how long distance relationships are."

She draped an arm around my shoulders and gave me a side hug, "Oh, Angel. I'm so sorry for you."

I closed my eyes and let her support my weight for a minute. I tried to act like it didn't bother me that he wasn't coming, but the truth was, I was devastated. I missed him so much and the only thing I wanted for my birthday was to see him again, but it wasn't going to happen. A tear slipped down my cheek and I felt a thumb wipe it away. She gently pushed me off of her and held my shoulders so she could look in my eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll see him soon," she reassured me.

I forced a smile, "Yeah, I know."

She let me go and leaned against the back of her chair again, snatching a grape from Zach's tray when he wasn't looking. "If he doesn't make up for this by visiting for Valentine's day, I'm going to fly over there just to punch him in the nose."

I laughed and said sarcastically, "Thanks Mindy, that'd really make me feel better."

She reached for another grape but this time, Zach saw her and caught her wrist. "What do you think you're doing missy?"

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