105. I Heard Everything

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"Morning sleepy heads," Sqaishey said with a smile as we walked into the dining room. The girls and Stamps were all sitting there with delicious looking breakfast foods laid out in front of them, but no one had dished out plates yet.

"Finally!" Stampy said as he started reaching for the sausage. "I've been waiting forever! I'm starv- Ow!"

Sqaishey slapped his hand before he could pick anything up. "Where are your manners? Wait until everyone's sat down!"

He sighed and rubbed the back of his hand. "Yes, dear."

"Yes, dear," Ash mimicked as he sat down and James snickered but Stamps just ignored them.

"Where's Squiddy?" Amy asked once I was in my chair.

I glanced back at the door and said, "Um... he wanted to stay in bed for a few more minutes." In actuality he was putting some clothes on and picking up the broken camera before anyone could see it and ask what had happened. We decided it would be best to keep it to ourselves so the others wouldn't get upset with Ash for breaking the deal already. "He'll be down soon, we can start eating without him."

Stampy's face lit up and he reached out to grab something again, but he stopped when he saw the look Sqaishey was shooting him.

"It's alright," she said. "We can wait for him. We must be polite."

So we sat there for a couple minutes, making general small talk until we heard an odd sort of scampering sound in the hallway. I turned to the door and saw two furry bullets skid into the room. Marley went right up to Netty since she was at the end of the table and she started a little, hesitantly holding out her hand for him to sniff. At the same time, Lilly came over to me and wagged her tail, her pretty brown eyes sparkling up at me.

I smiled and scratched her behind the ears. "Hey girl! Where did you come from?" I heard footsteps then over the dogs' panting and looked up, seeing David walk in. He was now wearing some grey sweatpants and a blue t-shirt and he'd fixed his hair a bit from its messy morning state. "I didn't know you brought the dogs," I said curiously as he walked over to his seat.

He kissed my cheek as he sat and said, "Well, I wasn't going to leave them with my neighbor for a whole summer."

"How come I didn't see them yesterday?"

"They have a little house in the backyard. They're going to stay out there most of the time but I thought they should come say hi."

"But is during breakfast really the best time for them to be inside?" Sqaishey asked, shaking her head at Marley who was drooling as he stared at the plate of bacon on the table.

Squid noticed this and picked up one of the strips, immediately gaining the attention of the animals. "Come 'ere boy," he said and Marley dove under the table and popped out the other side, staring up at the meat hungrily. "Sit," he ordered and both dogs obeyed. He tossed the bacon to Marley and he snatched it out of the air, chomping on it loudly. "Now go on," David said, pointing to the corner of the room. He did so, seemingly satisfied with his treat and walked in a circle a few times before laying down. Lilly whined and pawed David's leg, asking for her own piece. He gave her a fatty strip and patted her head before shooing her off to lay with Marley. "They won't bother us now, they're good once they get a treat."

"Well then what are we waiting for?" James asked. "Let's dig in!"

And that we did. Everyone lunged for the food and snatched it up, eating and talking delightedly about nothing in particular. After a little bit, I decided to ask what the plan for today was.

"I was thinking we would just hang around here and get settled," Netty said, taking a bite of her scrambled eggs.

"That's what yesterday was for!" James complained. "I want to actually do something today!"

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