119. Let's Not Talk About That

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The week after David and I had gone to the studio for his voice acting stuff, we all got hyped up for the big concert. Originally it was just going to be him and I that were going, but once the others found out, a few of them (namely Amy and Tom) got super jealous and eventually persuaded us to let them come with. However, as we were getting ready to leave, David pulled me aside and surprised me with two backstage passes, refusing to tell me how he'd got them and simply saying, "You're welcome," whenever I tried to speak, so I finally gave up and threw my arms around him, kissing him excitedly.

I'd been expecting the ride there to be somewhat awkward, seeing as David and Tom would have to be in an enclosed space with each other for over an hour, but it actually went quite well. We were all able to sustain conversation with each other, or at least whenever we weren't screaming along to FOB or Panic songs that we'd plugged into the radio, or when Tom and Amy weren't making out in the backseat.

Their relationship had escalated so rapidly I almost couldn't believe it. They were practically inseparable now and were always flirting, verbally and physically; they really didn't care who was around. I was happy for them, though I knew it couldn't last, and I also felt terrible for poor Ash. He'd been so depressed recently, moping around the estate and always angry if he ever joined us for meal times or whenever he saw Tom. They used to be such good friends and it broke my heart to see them separating over a girl, though I still wasn't sure if Tom was even aware of Ash's emotions.

All thoughts of love triangles abandoned my brain as the giant arena came into view. The streets all around were already packed and we'd even gotten there an hour early to check everything out. Apparently everyone had had the same idea.

After getting through the painfully long queue to get into the building, we looked around and immediately stood in another line to get some merch. By the time we'd paid and made it to our seats (David had gotten us in the fifth row, not too shabby), the one minute countdown had already started and we all screamed at the top of our lungs when the curtains concealing the stage dropped and revealed Brendon Urie and the rest of his band and they immediately jumped into their first song.

The whole set was amazing and I sang and danced along to every song. David even got me to sit on his shoulders for one of the songs and Brendon saw me and pointed while he was singing and I just laughed, waving my arms in the air and trusting David to keep me balanced.

When they were finished, the tech people quickly switched out all the equipment for Fall Out Boy. It took almost half an hour, but once the fog started rolling onto the stage, David was definitely the loudest screamer as he anticipated seeing his favorite band. They rose up out of the stage on mini platforms and their set was equally as incredible as Panic's had been.

For a special surprise at the end, Brendon came back on stage so they could sing their two joint songs together, 7 Minutes In Heaven and 20 Dollar Nose Bleed, both of which were some of our favorites. We screamed louder than we had all night, even though our vocal chords already felt like they were bleeding and could snap at any moment from the amount of strain we'd put on them. At the end of the last song, Joe- FOB's guitar player- threw his pick out into the audience, and as luck would have it, Tom caught it, grinning in success. He immediately turned and gave it to Amy who threw herself at him, practically kissing his face off.

Once the concert was officially over, David and I quickly found a security guard and showed him our backstage passes. He simply nodded and escorted us to the bands' area where our path was quickly crossed by none other than Brendon Urie. We both smiled excitedly and talked to him for a few minutes, pleasantly surprised to find that he was just a regular human being and that it was actually quite easy to talk to him.

However, David turned into a babbling mess when Patrick Stump, the lead singer of Fall Out Boy, approached our little group and asked what was going on. I couldn't help but laugh at my boyfriend as he completely fanboyed over this guy, asking for a picture and his autograph and the whole nine yards. I teased him about it the whole way back to the estate, saying that it was even worse than when I'd first met him and had been a massive fangirl, but he denied that, saying that nothing could ever be worse than that, which earned him a slap on the arm.

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