44. Yeah, A Real Bummer

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The rest of the week flew by and before I knew it, it was Friday and I was ready to go. I wanted to talk to David before I left, but I was running late so I didn't get a chance. The flight was refreshingly short compared to Ireland and it wasn't long until I was standing in front of the Anaheim Convention Center. It was absolutely massive, this year was going to be even bigger than last.

I stepped inside and a few of the gang were already waiting there.

Ash saw me first and grinned, "There's our rising star!" I walked over to him and he took me under his arm, "How you been girl?"

I shrugged, "Alright I guess."

"Oh, come on, you gotta get hyped! That's what today is for you know, so we get excited for the real deal."

"Yeah, I know, I'll get there by the end of the day." He finally released me and I hugged the rest of our group, shaking hands with anyone I didn't know. Everyone seemed to be here except for, "Where's Lee?"

"Didn't you hear?" Stampy asked. "He got arrested."

"What? Why?"

He waved it off, "It's a long story, you don't have to concern yourself with it." He looked around to everyone, "Well, what do you say we get this party started?!"

"Yeah!" they yelled and we headed into the main area.

"Wow..." I breathed. "Nice."

It was similar to last year in a sense, but it was still entirely it's own. Of course there were Minecraft related things everywhere and a few California references, but what was most impressive was the amount of tech. There were interactive screens, motion-gaming mats, little robots that rolled around doing various things, and the lights were incredible. There were colorful lasers, projectors sending images onto the floor and walls, and they weren't even done yet. There were people on scaffolding and ladders everywhere and automated carts full of equipment brought things from place to place.

All of a sudden, a little, silver, bulbous body on treads came over to us. It stuck out it's "hand" to me and a digital voice said, "Welcome to Minecon 2016! We hope you have a great time!"

Everyone laughed and I took the metal arm and made like I was shaking hands, "I will, thank you."

A man with long, red hair stepped out from behind one of the decorations. He was holding a remote control like you use for model airplanes and grinning. "Do you like it?"

"Jeb! My man!" Dan said and they shook hands. "Did you make that?" he asked, pointing to the robot. "It's awesome!"

He shrugged, "I helped. It's just a prototype though, not going to be used for the actual event I'm afraid."

"This place looks so cool!" Sqaishey squealed.

"Lydia made most of the designs," he said, continuing to shake hands with everyone. When he got to me he tilted his head, "You're a new face."

"Hi, I'm Elsie."

He grinned, "Ah, it's a pleasure! You've caught our attention on many occasions, you'll be quite busy here. Are you liking what you've seen so far?"

"Oh yes, everything looks amazing."

"Well, let us begin the tour!"

We started heading off and I pulled out my camera, getting shots of anything I could. Ash did the same and I could tell he was filming me, but I ignored him until he spoke.

"What do you think Elsie? Pretty snazzy, eh?"

"It's incredible," I agreed.

"How many people do you think are going to come?"

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