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Holy shit! This was a difficult chapter to write. I was balling my eyes out as I was writing. I didn't realize how much the words affected me until my tears were actually falling. I wish I could change how this chapter went but I felt it was needed to establish the dynamics between the characters.

I apologize if there were some inaccurate information here. Keep in mind, this is a work of fiction.

Strong language throughout. Thank you!


Maine walked out of the crowded Ninoy Aquino International Airport into the stifling heat of Manila. It took her a moment to reorient her mind and body to the present. She stood by the exit getting her bearings together. Breathing in the smog, the smell of exhaust; taking in the noise of the endless traffic and the numerous vendors waiting outside. As much she would like to deny it, the exciting feeling of being home coursed through her veins. Yes. She was finally back home.

Less than 24 hours ago, she said goodbye to the summer of California; a place she's grown to love, a place she considered home for the last 7 years. Breathe in, breathe out. She was standing there having her moment when she was jostled to the side by other travelers rushing to get inside the air conditioned building. Sheesh, can't a girl have her moment?

Maine dragged herself and her suitcase as she hailed a taxi to take her to her destination. Her suitcase which contained the last 7 years of her life. The rest of her stuff will be coming in the next few days in boxes. She had paid for a year's worth of lease for her apartment and she wasn't able to back out of the renters agreement in such a short notice, so her apartment and its furniture will have to remain empty for the next 9 months until her lease expires. What a waste of my fuckin money. The money I worked my ass for. Yeah, she sounds a bit bitter. So what? You would be too if you had to give up everything you've ever work hard for because of somebody else's cowardice and selfishness. Or better yet, because of some stranger's passing fancy that caused this snowball effect. A fuckin stranger named Richard Faulkerson Jr.

She was finally able to get a taxi, told the driver of her destination and off they went.


Maine was woken up from her slumber by the agitated voice of the taxi driver stating they've arrived. It took Maine a minute before her situation came rushing back. She shook herself and got out of the cab. She asked the driver to wait for her as she turned and walked inside the building with the sign Funeral Services outside. She headed to the reception where a man was sitting, fiddling with his phone.

"Excuse me? I'm here to pick up the cremated remains of Dyann Mendoza" she stated.

"Oh yes po ma'am. Just sign here and we take payment by cash or credit card" the man countered giving her a once over. Yeah, keep looking buster! I must look like a frightening sight, with my hair all tangled, my face covered in sweat and my clothes crumpled.

Her father told her over the phone that they had to have her sister's remains cremated since there will be no service because she took her own life. They had arranged instead to have a 'celebration of life' at their home. The funeral home also wouldn't release the remains without payment first. Business is as business goes, I guess.

Maine signed the papers, handed the man her credit card and pretty soon the remains of her sister, in a plain looking urn was handed to her. My sister reduced to a jar! The sister who played with her, protected her from bullies when they were little. Her sister who encouraged her to reach for her dreams. Her sister who struggled with depression from the age of 18 until she finally succumb to it. The only sister she has (correction, had). Tears were threatening to spill again but she held it back. No more! I've done my crying that would last a lifetime! No more tears! Maine hugged the urn as she walked out of the door.

She jumped back into the waiting taxi and finally she was heading home.


It was 30 minutes later when Maine paid for her cab fare and watched the taxi drive away. She finally turned and just looked at the house that she grew up in. The address was the same but the structure had changed. There were newly added parts to the house. It used to be an aging piece but now it looks newer and more inviting. The gate (which wasn't there before) stood wide open and a few cars were parked in the car port. Maine recognized one car. It was the vehicle her father purchased with the money she sent 3 years ago and her father proudly sent her a picture. Despite her grief, she couldn't help but smile and feel proud because she was able to help her parents be more comfortable with the money she had been sending.

Maine took a deep breath, with her suitcase on one hand and her sister's remains on the other, she approached the front door of her childhood home. She was about to push the door open when it was wrenched from the inside by her father. For a minute, they just stood there, facing each other and next thing she knew, Maine was engulfed in her father's arms. He held on as if she was his lifeline; sobbing with relief as well as grief. Maine grabbed on with her free hand, not wanting to let go, letting her tears fall freely once again. She tried, oh how she tried to hold back her tears but she lost the fight when she felt her father's arms around her. There, with her father holding her close, she wailed, released a keening cry. At one point, her father loosened his hold on her but she couldn't do the same. She couldn't seem to let go.

"Anak, let's go inside" she heard her father whisper.

"I can't Tatay. I can't bring myself to go inside knowing that Ate won't be there to greet me. I want to Tay but I can't" she said in between sobs.

"Anak, I understand. I know how you feel but Nanay is inside and she would like to see you" her father began as he wiped her tears with the sleeves of his shirt. "Maine, please" he added wiping his own tears.

"Of course. I'm sorry Tatay" Maine answered after a few minutes. She finally let go of her father, wiped her remaining tears, took a shuddering breath and stepped inside. Her father attempted to take the urn out of her hands but instead of letting go, she held on to it tighter.

As they entered the living room, Maine spotted her mother right away. There were people scattered here and there, some she recognized and some she didn't. The moment they saw her, silence descended and that's when her mother turned in their direction. Their eyes met, her mother's gaze touching the urn in Maine's hands and then she opened her arms wide. Maine ran. Ran the short distance to her mother's arms. Ran to the safest place she's ever known. Ran to her mother.

"Maine, anak" was all her mother could say.

"Nanay, I'm so sorry" she started but her mother just held on to her tighter. So tight that they both ended up slumped on the floor, right where they were standing. Maine felt her father's strong arms encircle them. The people silently walked out of the room, leaving the Mendoza family in their grief.

Reunited. Only one was inside of the urn, reduced to ashes.

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