Start Over

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I apologize for the lack of updates lately. I have been really busy with real life and then I ended up with a migraine today. This chapter was started a couple of days ago with my intention of finishing and posting it that day as well but, c'est la vie. Anyway, I hope that it's not too scattered and that y'all still understand it. 😏😔😒.

Strong and suggestive language used.


They say that the hardest part about breaking up is not being able to see the other person. They said moving on after a break up is easier that way. But what if you still see him every fuckin single day but you can't touch him, can't go near him, can't look him in the eye because if you do, you will surely loose it and beg him to take you back. Beg him to forget about everything you said and just make love to you over and over again. Just like he did before. Yeah, fuck my life!


Bella stayed in the hospital for 7 days instead of the projected 24 hours. It was a respiratory infection. Her breathing became laboured and her heart rate doubled. She had to be intubated through her tracheotomy and be put in a medicine induced coma so that she doesn't accidentally pull the tube out. Dr. Pineda wanted her in the hospital longer because she wasn't responding to the antibiotics within the first 48 hours. She developed a very high fever instead and so blood work had to be drawn every six hours to see if her white blood count was at least decreasing. They changed the antibiotic 3 times before they finally saw that she was responding to it. Her tiny body fought hard to fight the infection.

Until finally, finally, on the 4th day, her fever broke, much to the relief of her family. All throughout her ordeal, Richard, Maine, Christine and their parents were there, by Bella's side, never leaving her alone. There was always someone there, stroking her head, talking to her, holding her tiny little hand in theirs.

On the 7th day, Dr. Pineda deemed that Bella was okay enough to be discharged home. However, he needed to have a family meeting first. In that meeting, with a heavy heart, he told the family that Bella might not have long to live. Her spleen and liver have now doubled in size compared to the last CT scan about a month ago. Her lungs and heart are working double to keep up but it's only a matter of time before they both give up as well. Not a dry eye was seen after that meeting, including Dr. Pineda's. It took all of his strength and willpower to be able to keep his professionalism while imparting the news.
Richard sobbed quietly on one side of the room and Maine did the same on the other side. Their families in between them, all crying for the little girl that have brought them all together but whose life had to be so short.

Richard brought Bella home as agreed by everyone since his house is already equipped with all the needed machines. The goal is to keep the little girl as comfortable as possible, which means, she will have to be given pain medications every 4-6 hours so that she wouldn't feel the pain; which also means that Bella will be sleeping and/or groggy most of the time.

Bella, however, must've sensed that her time is near as well and she's decided to spend her remaining days being interactive with her family. Teodoro and Maryann were so amazed one day because Bella responded to their small talks with her toothy grin. The pain could still be seen etched on her face but the little girl smiled through it all. Richard Sr., who takes a lot to be impressed, was very proud of his granddaughter because she didn't cry once when it was his day to take care of her.

Richard had to go back to work a few days after taking Bella home, because he had a major business deal and his presence is needed for the investors to believe that their company will be in good hands. Richard Sr. also made his presence known which means he attended the meetings as well. Christine made sure that she had Tuesdays and Thursdays off so that she can help Maine during said days and Maine can also head home earlier than usual.

Richard and Maine tried to be civil towards each other but their family have noticed how strained their relationship is. Maine tries to leave as soon as Richard comes home from work, the two barely speaking to each other. But each one have caught each other in the middle of their lingering looks and their longing glances. The tension between the two very palpable and could be cut with a very dull knife. There were moments when Richard would deliberately touch Maine just for his own satisfaction. Just so he could ground himself. Just so he could make sure that she still exists. That she's still part of his life, even if he can't claim her as his own anymore.

Truthfully, Richard hasn't really had much time to think about his and Maine's situation because he's been so busy with his work and when he gets home, he has to attend to his daughter. At night, when he hits his bed, he's out due to exhaustion and he still has to wake up every hour to check on Bella. In the last few days, he had resorted to sleeping on the daybed in Bella's room so that he doesn't have to stand up and walk from his room to Bella's room. In the mornings, he barely has time to get himself ready before Maine comes in through the doors.

Three weeks had passed since Bella was discharged home. The whole family, Faulkersons and Mendozas alike, all have established a routine, alternating in taking care of Bella.

It was on the Wednesday of third week when Richard finally found the courage to talk to Maine about something other than Bella.

Maine was getting ready to leave for the day when Richard approached her.



"Can I ask a favour of you?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Ever since Bella was diagnosed with Gaucher Disease, Faulkerson Industries have been hosting a fund raising event every six months, and all proceeds go towards the ongoing research for the cure of the disease. This year, it will be held this Friday. I was aaahhhh... hhhmmm, hoping that you would come with me." Richard blurted the last sentence in a hurry for fear of losing his courage. Yeah, the mighty Richard Faulkerson Jr. has finally found his cryptonite.

"Of course. I would love to!" Maine answered back without hesitation.

Richard let out a sigh of relief to which Maine smiled in response. Regardless of what personal stuff they're going through, Maine is willing to help for the sake of science. You sure about that, Mendoza? For science? Really.

"Great. So I've arranged for Christine to be here by noon on Friday so that you can head home early to get ready. The colour theme is red and black" Richard replied with a smile.

"Wow! You were that sure I would say yes?" Maine teased.

"No. Not really but I had hoped and prayed you'd say yes" Richard answered with a hint of embarrassment.

"I was kidding, Alden. Of course, I would say yes" Maine responded back without thinking.

Richard was a visibly caught off guard from Maine's use of his nickname again. This is the first time she's done that since the day she moved out. But she looked like she wasn't even aware of it.

"So, I'll pick you up at your place around 5 on Friday then?" Richard asked.

"Yes. I'll be ready" Maine answered. And with that, she pressed on the elevator button and stood back to wait for the lift to arrive. As soon as the elevator doors opened, Maine stepped inside but before the doors closed, Richard said....

"I'm looking forward to that date, Maine" coupled with his bedimpled smile.

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