For Now

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You wanted more? Well here it is. I read through the last chapter and at the end of it, I too was wanting more. This story has primarily focused on the drama surrounding their lives that the sexy time was put in the back burner. Well, no more! Sorry, that was my inner voice talking. Anyway, I hope you all bear in mind that this is a work of fiction. Having said that, read on.

Warning: Rated 18A for strong, suggestive and sexual language. Please heed the warning. Thank you!


It took 5 minutes before their heartbeats and their breathing returned to normal. Maine was still straddling Richard, her head resting on his shoulder, her arms around his torso. Richard's head was leaning against the headboard, his arms resting on both sides of Maine's hips, his cock still embedded inside of her. Both their bodies riddled with sweat from the intense orgasm they just experienced. Richard was the first to stir by moving his hands up to Maine's sides and cupping her breasts in his hands.

"So beautiful" he whispered in awe.

Of course, being Maine, she tried to brush the compliment off by making a sarcastic remark. She's never been one to receive compliments as they are given. Despite her strong character, she is still an insecure child by heart.

"Yap. My breasts are beautiful. They had better be. I've taken such good care of them. 29 years! Oh aaaannnnd, you're the first man to ever lay eyes on them so...." Maine didn't get to finish her rambling because Richard leaned forward and just plainly sucked on her nipple. "Oh god" was all that came after.

"You talk too much" Richard stated while moving his mouth to her other breast.

Maine gave an indignant huff and intended to pull Richard's hair until he cries in pain but the instant he gave a small bite to her nipple before sucking on it again, she forgot everything else. Dear lord! The sensations that his mouth can give!

Richard continued to focus his attention on Maine's nipples and to his surprise, (yes he was surprised) he felt himself getting hard again. It's only been what, 5 minutes? Damn! This woman and her effect on me. He reached up to pull Maine's hair tie and her hair tumbled down. He gripped it as he pulled a little. Just enough for Maine to lean her head back and expose her neck to his liking.

Maine hasn't fully recovered from her last orgasm and now Richard is doing things to her body again that she feels the familiar stirrings of another impending orgasm low in her belly. But who is she to complain? Oh wait! Is he getting hard again? She could feel his cock stirring to life, filling her fully once more. Is that even possible?

"So soon, Mr. Faulkerson?" Maine asked breathlessly.

"Apparently so. I can stop if you're sore" Richard replied while looking up at Maine. He almost forgot that Maine could very well be sore. He was a little rough earlier but it's been 5 days since they last made love. If it were up to him, he would tie Maine to the bed and never let her go! But! Despite his craving for her, Maine was a virgin and he's afraid that if he gave in to his cravings, she would get scared, run away and never look back.

"Don't you fucking dare!" Maine responded ardently, to Richard's surprise and delight. To prove her point, she planted both her feet on the bed on opposite sides of his hips, leaned back placing her hands on Richard's thighs for support, fully exposing their joined parts to his eyes. She then moved forward and back, to and fro, taking her slow sweet time. Forward, making his cock disappear in her pussy and back, exposing his full length again except for his head. Maine looked at Richard and was rewarded with the look of pure lust on his face, his eyes solely focused on their joined parts, his mouth slightly agape and his nostrils flared.

Richard placed his hands on Maine's hips, gripping her and guiding her movements. But she doesn't really need any guidance, does she? She's fucking doing excellent on her own. Her body moving back and forth, pumping him to the point of losing control but he didn't. He let her have the pleasure of slow, fucking torturous movements, watching his cock disappear inside her tight drenched pussy, making him sweat buckets for hanging on to the last thread of his control. Never had he been this generous before. To let the woman have all the control? To surrender his power and let a woman dominate him. Never! Until her. Until Maine!

"Fuuuuccckkk, Alden! I'm going to cum again!" Maine sobbed, her movements faster, her breathing even more so.

Richard moved his left hand from her hip to their joined part. He placed the pad of his thumb on her clit and rubbed in a circular motion, exerting pressure for good measure.

As soon as Richard touched her bundle of nerves, Maine exploded in ecstasy. Her head thrown back, her back forming a bow, her mouth open as she screamed in ecstasy, and her eyes, oh god, her ever expressive eyes, wide open and looking straight at Richard. Letting him see how much pleasure she's experiencing. Letting him see how vulnerable she was at the moment. Her inhibitions and restraint, gone out the window.

Richard watched as Maine rode her orgasm, her body convulsing and her movement stilled. He leaned back and watched, delighting in the fact that he brought her there. Watched her in the throes of passion, puffing out his chest in a manly proud gesture. Watched as she slumped forward and leaned her body onto his. He didn't move, but god he wanted to. He wanted to pump his cock into her and join her in her orgasm but he held back. I deserve an award for that! Shit! He truly just wanted to watch her loose all her control and what a sight it was.

As soon as Richard felt Maine's body start to relax, he pumped his hips and was rewarded with her pussy tightening on his cock. Well that did it! He lost it! He pulled out of Maine so suddenly that Maine whimpered in protest. But all he wanted to do was switch their positions. He flipped Maine on all fours, knelt behind her and unceremoniously pushed his cock back into her tight channel, making her moan loudly. He gripped Maine's hips once more and relentlessly pumped into her, not stopping, not taking a break, until Maine screamed his name as another orgasm wracked her body. He joined her shortly, and together they reached the pinnacle of pleasure, their bodies riding through the spasms of a powerful climax.

They floated down to earth together and their bodies slumped on to the bed. It was Richard who moved first after a good long while. He tried to untangle himself from Maine with the intention of repositioning themselves on the bed in a more comfortable position but Maine won't let him go.

"Maine, love, let's get ourselves more comfortable. I'm too heavy for you" he explained.

"No. Stay" was all Maine could say, tightening her hold on him. "Five more minutes." She added.

So Richard lowered himself once more on top of Maine, taking care not to put all of his weight on her.

Maine didn't want to move at all but the way they slumped on the bed was quite awkward; her left leg and left arm under Richard's weight, his legs in between hers. She could feel that he was taking all his weight on his one side so as not to lean too much on her. She's sure they look like a tangled mess of limbs and Richard must be getting tired holding his weight up. So she reluctantly stirred. But before she totally untangled herself, she reached up and pulled Richard by his nape to give him an amorous kiss which earned her a guttural groan from him.

"I love you" Richard whispered as soon as their lips separated.

Maine wanted to reciprocate so badly, to say the same words back but she wasn't sure about her feelings herself. She definitely hasn't felt this before but is it love?

Richard noticed the play of emotions on Maine's face as soon as he mentioned those three words. She didn't say anything but he could tell she wanted to. Honestly, he really doesn't expect her to say it back. Not yet. He knows he has his work cut out for him but he is willing. He is willing to show her his love until she doesn't have any choice but to love him back.

"Love. Don't overthink this. I'm not expecting you to say it back but I want you to know how I feel. I promise you, I will show you how much. I love you" he stated as he kissed her passionately and she kissed him back just the same. For Richard, that was enough. For now.

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