Hello, Daddy Bae

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Well, y'all still alive after the last 3 chapters? Yeah it was hot, wasn't it? Anyway, daddy Bae made his presence known. So now what? All I can say is, read on!

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!

By the way, I promised @ruenna1814 that I will tag daddy Bae with this chapter so I will. 😜😜😜.


Maine turned to Richard so suddenly that the sheet slipped a little lower. Richard nonchalantly reached for it and pulled it up again. Maine on the other hand has been moving her head to look at Richard and then back to look at his father. She did that a couple more times before the gravity of their situation sunk in and she covered her face with her palms in embarrassment. Oh god! This was how Richard must've felt when Tatay showed up unannounced! Ugh! But she didn't have time to dwell on that because Bella's cry broke the uncomfortable silence in the room.

Maine instinctively stood up, grabbing the sheet to wrap around her naked body leaving Richard scrambling for a pillow to cover his groin.

"Whoa, wait" Richard protested but the look Maine gave him shut him up just as quickly. It was the look that said 'don't you dare fuckin stop me'.

Richard Sr. was still standing by the doorway to the bedroom, observing the two. His son had never, NEVER, let any woman in his bed, let alone spend the night. Oh he's had girlfriends before and he's introduced them to the family but he would always take them back to their own places and he'll come back home, alone. So finding a woman, a naked one at that,  and from the looks of her, she looked like she was thoroughly loved, brought an inner satisfaction in him. Her tousled hair, the red marks on her neck and her swollen lips were all evidence enough. Well, good job, son, good job! Richard Sr. is still a man too and that is his son! Yap one that he produced! Because after all, the only time he found a woman in RJ's bed was when his son was being set up. But that's another story!

Maine made sure that the sheet was securely wrapped around her before she headed out, no she slithered (like a snake) out of the bedroom nodding to Richard Sr. as she passed him. Cause what else am I supposed to do? Both Richards followed her movements with their eyes until she disappeared out of their sights.

Then Maine's soothing voice could be heard on the hand held monitor

"Good morning princess Bella. Sshhh. It's okay. Maymay is here. Sshhh. Come here my little beautiful princess. Ssshhh" as she went on and on to soothe the crying child.

Richard Sr. discreetly observed as a smile blossomed on his son's lips upon hearing the woman's voice soothe the crying child. Hhhmmm, curiouser and curiouser. If I'm not mistaken, my son looks smitten.

"Dad. What are you doing here?" Richard demanded watching his father lean on the doorway with his arms across his chest.

"Well. I've been contacted by Donna because apparently you haven't been to the office in five days. You're not answering your phone, your emails, your direct messages." Richard Sr. explained.

"Wow. At least Donna knew where you were" Richard replied sarcastically.

"So we're just going to carry on a conversation here as if that woman didn't just slip by me, with just a sheet to cover her, I might add" Richard Sr. responded clearly amused.

"Her name is Maine. And don't ever call her 'that woman' again. Her name is Maine" Richard repeated, his voice laced with a threat.

"Ooookkaaayyy!" Richard Sr. put his hands up placatingly.

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