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First day off y'all! And so here's an update. I will try to update everyday for the next five days but I can't promise because Christmas Day is literally just around the corner. Sheesh! Where did the time go? Anyway, enjoy.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


It was 10 days after Maine got discharged from the hospital when her world turned upside down. It wasn't so much as it was unexpected but everything just happened so fast, all at the same time, that she barely had time to catch her breath.

It started out with a letter that her mother and father brought with them when they came to Richard's place to have a visit with Bella. It was from her old workplace in California; Children's Hospital in Los Angeles. Before she had to resign from her position in the said hospital in a hurry, almost five months ago now, she had applied for a managerial vacancy in the research department as a dare from one of her co workers/friend. It would've been the job of a lifetime. She would be paid a six figure salary annually, she would get to travel all over the world for research purposes, her housing and transportation would be provided as long as she remains in the said position. Honestly, she didn't think anything would come out of it but apparently she was wrong. Because her parents just handed her the letter which contents clearly stated that she is being offered the job, if she still wants it. The letter also states that human resources was giving her 45 days to respond, otherwise they'll look for a different candidate. It was the opportunity of a lifetime! And right now, it was something she really needed. However, as she looked towards her parents; her mother holding Bella while sitting on the rocker, her father placing a blanket over his grandchild and wife, she couldn't bring herself to share the good news. Not when she can clearly see the pain and suffering on Bella's face and the sadness on her parents eyes.

She excused herself and she went to her room to place the folded letter on the drawer of her bedside table, keeping in mind the date it was written. She has 30 days left to respond, otherwise she'll lose the opportunity.

That same day, Maine finally got an appointment to see an OBGYN. When she started to bleed 10 days ago, she expected it to last the usual 4-5 days but it only lasted for 1 day and it wasn't too heavy. She also expected the cramps to come back full force but there was only a twinge here and there. Her OB in LA did tell her that she might experience less bleeding and less cramping for the first 1-2 months if she doesn't get her shot when it's due and then her bleeding and cramping will return to how it was before her depo shots. So, because of her fear of experiencing those debilitating cramps again, she wanted to get her shot as soon as possible. Thankfully, Dr. Ong did give her a card of one of the top notch OBGYN in the country, the day she got discharged. But, this OBGYN was not considered top notch for nothing. It took Maine calling everyday for the last 10 days to get an appointment. Finally this morning, there was an unexpected cancelation, that's why they were able to fit her in.


Teodoro dropped Maine off at the entrance of the medical building where the OBGYN's office is located. On the drive there, Teodoro asked his daughter why she needed to see an OBGYN and Maine kept changing the subject. But, Teodoro is nothing but persistent until finally Maine blurted out that she needed a Pap test done faking some frustration. Well that shut him up! Teodoro didn't ask anymore questions after that. As much as Maine wanted to be honest with her father, she can't possibly tell him the real reason because knowing him, he'll just keep probing and that would just be a whole different level of uncomfortable! Yikes! Discussing birth control and periods with your father is just a big NO! Ewww! Cringe worthy!

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