Butterfly Kisses

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I'm so sorry for this chapter and the following ones. I have dreaded writing this part but we all know that it needs to come and it needs to happen. Gaucher Disease Type 2 is currently an incurable disease. Continued research is being done but those affected have a very short life span. Again, I'm sorry.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you.


Maine heard it! She heard that thunderous question from Richard! In fact, the whole of Makati did too. But Maine couldn't bring herself to answer because her attention was focused on her niece's little form on the huge ambulance gurney. Her little face covered by the oversized oxygen mask, her little body continuously spasming from what looks to be another seizure. However, what really caught Maine's attention as the gurney wheeled by in front of her was Bella's glazed over, expressionless, open eyes.

Instinctively, Maine reached out to touch her niece's hand as the gurney passed by in front of her. And for a split second, she felt the little girl squeeze her finger. And that was enough! That tiny little squeeze was enough to give Maine hope and spring her into action.

"STOP!" Maine yelled and out of pure surprise, the paramedics did stop for a moment. Maine took advantage of that moment. She bent down, kissed Bella on the forehead and whispered fervently, "hang in there baby. Maymay's here. Hang in there my little princess."

The paramedics started moving again in their rush to get the little girl to the hospital. One of the paramedics almost forcibly moved Maine out of the way by pushing her to the side, nearly causing her to topple over on the floor.

"Get your fucking hands off her! Don't ever touch her. Ever!" Richard growled from behind Maine as the paramedic's hands came in contact with Maine skin, prompting the other grown man to jump back as if he'd just touched a very hot pot.

Maine turned to Richard and saw him standing to the side, hands balled into fist and breathing erratically. Maine didn't know if she should laugh or cry but she reached her hand out and placed it on Richard's cheek to ensure contact. Richard looked down at her and Maine saw him close his eyes as he visibly forced himself to take a calming breath.

"Alden. Bella needs both of us now. Focus, please" Maine whispered.

Richard reached up and covered Maine's hand that was on his cheek. He opened his eyes again to be met by Maine's very concerned, with a hint of panic eyes.

"I'll drive. Go with Bella. I will meet you at the hospital" Richard whispered back.

"Can you drive? Do you want me to ride with you?" Maine asked. Richard understood that question for what it's supposed to be. Maine wasn't really asking if he can physically drive but she was asking if he was calm enough to drive.

"I can drive. Go with our daughter. She needs you by her side" Richard responded as he turned around and practically ran to his car, not realizing the gravity of the words that he just uttered. Maine followed close behind, Richard's words clearly not registering in her befuddled brain. She made it to the ambulance right as they were about to close the door.

"Wait! I'm coming with you" she screamed and hurriedly hopped into the back of the ambulance, giving the paramedics no choice. Soon, they were on their way. As soon as Maine sat down beside Bella, she grabbed the little girl's hand and leaned forward, practically lying beside her niece on the gurney. Maine didn't hesitate as she started singing in Bella's ear. And as she sang the song that she always sings to Bella to put the little girl to sleep, unbidden tears came and they didn't stop. She sang the song from her heart, unmindful of the other person inside the ambulance carriage. Unmindful that she was already sobbing uncontrollably.

There's two things I know for sure, she was sent here from heaven. And she's daddy's little girl. As I drop to my knees by her bed at night, She talks to Jesus, and I close my eyes. And I thank god for all of the joy in my life, but most of all, forButterfly kisses after bedtime prayer. Stickin' little white flowers all up in her hair."Walk beside the ponyDaddy, it's my first ride."I know the cake looks funny, Daddy, but I sure tried."Oh, with all that I've done wrong,I must have done something right, to deserve a hug every morning, And butterfly kisses at night........


Richard hopped into his car and followed after the ambulance carrying his daughter and Maine. He was called by Maine's mother earlier and was told that they couldn't get a hold of Maine and that he needed to get his ass home asap. He didn't question Maryann. As soon as he heard Maryann's panicked voice on the phone, he knew it was serious. He knew the call was about his daughter and he knew it was an emergency. So he left the doctor's office where he was getting genetic counselling regarding the results of the bloodtest that he had done a few days back. He took off in the middle of the counselling session without giving his specialist any reason why.

When Richard got home, the paramedics were already there working on Bella. Performing CPR on her little body, with Maryann crying in the corner and Teodoro pacing back and forth. It was pure chaos but Richard couldn't help but search for Maine. His eyes scanning the small space, looking for her calming presence. And the more he couldn't see her, the more panicked he got. Oh he didn't show it. He kept it all in, within himself, appearing to remain calm on the outside but bursting on the inside. And so when he saw Maine in the lobby earlier, he couldn't help the harshness of the words that came out of his mouth. He didn't mean a single word but his fear and helplessness took the better of him. As always. His words ran out of his mouth before he could close it. And when that paramedic laid his hands on Maine, he lost it. He was about to punch the unsuspecting man but Maine's hand on his cheek calmed him down instantly.


The ambulance pulled up in front of the emergency doors and before the doors were opened, Jason came running out followed by a couple of pediatric nurses. Richard parked his car behind the ambulance and hopped right out. He ran to the back of the ambulance and when the doors were finally opened from the inside, what met his eyes nearly robbed him of his strength. Maine was lying on the gurney, cradling Bella in her arms as she gently swayed back and forth. She appeared to be singing in Bella's ears and Bella's spasms seemed to have calmed down a little. Tears were freely rolling on Maine's face, dripping on the princess pajama that Bella was wearing.

The paramedic, probably having learned his lesson from Richard's earlier outbust, didn't bother asking Maine to hop off the gurney. Instead, he gently pulled the stretcher containing both Maine and the little girl and gingerly brought it down from the ambulance. By the time the wheels of the gurney touched the concrete ground, Jason took over, pulling the stretcher himself as they all ran to the elevators leading to the third floor of St. Lukes. Not one single person noticed the tears that were also freely falling from the eyes of the paramedic that was left standing by the ambulance. He too, felt Maine's pain and anguish. Because, he too, was a father himself.

The total stranger actually stopped and prayed for the life of that little girl. Prayed that she be okay. However, God had already made His decision.

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