Taking Her Turn

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Did y'all thought it was over? Well surprise! It's not over till I say, oh wait, till the parents say it's over! *Insert evil laugh here*. Anyways, enjoy!

Oh by the way, there have been some twitter messages saying that this is not a story for the young readers. First of all, I never intended my stories for the young readers. That's why it's rated mature content! Second, I can't control who reads the chapters and that's why I always, ALWAYS, post a warning if the chapter is, let's just say, too hot. I post this warning every time in the hopes that it deters those who are not used to reading such stuff. If you've also noticed, all the rated18A chapters could easily be skipped and the story will still make sense. So anyways, I apologize if my story has offended some but I am standing by the content in the hopes that it sheds some light to Pediatric neurological disorders as well as mental illness. Having said that..,

Warning Rated18A for the strong, suggestive and sexual content. Thank you!


"Love? Time to wake up. Dad has been calling" Richard whispered in Maine's ears.

"Hhhhhmmmm?" Maine mumbled while gingerly stretching her muscles. "I can't move" she whined.

"I know love, but we need to go back to the hospital. Your parents and my dad are probably worried by now." Richard explained while stroking Maine's curves, from her ribcage down to her thighs.

"No seriously. I can't move" Maine tried again but this time she opened her eyes and noticed that they were in Richard's bed. "I don't remember getting here" she mused.

"Do you want me to remind you?" Richard asked with a chuckle. He didn't see the pillow that came at him until it connected with the side of his head, to which he laughed uproariously and pretended to cower in fear.

"No more! I'm done having sex for the rest of my life" Maine exclaimed, holding the pillow in her hands. But she wasn't aware of the position she's currently in. Totally naked, kneeling on the bed, straddling Richard and with her every breath, the rise and fall of her chest was enough for Richard to go hard again!

Richard laid on his back and ogled the woman on top of him. He just couldn't seem to get his fuckin hormones under control when it comes to Maine. Dear god! It's only been 2 hours and he's ready to take her again! Fuck! How the hell am I to survive this life?

"Love. If that is your plan, then I suggest you get off me right now because if you don't, we will never be able to leave this bed" Richard uttered, his voice laced with a threat.

Maine instantly sobered up as she realized her situation. A woman in her right mind would've scrambled out of that bed so fast but Maine is not that woman. Instead, she slowly put the pillow down, repositioned herself so that she was directly sitting on Richard's boxer covered groin and grounded her pussy on top of his cock. She reached up to her breast and fondled her nipples with her hands, all the while, looking at the man underneath her.

Richard forgot to breathe when Maine did what she did. He couldn't believe it. She's insatiable and oh how he loved it.

"Maine, don't start something you can't finish."

"Who says I can't finish it? Are you giving up?" Maine countered with a glint of challenge in her eyes.

Richard reached up and held on to Maine's hips, guiding her movements. The only thing separating his cock from her pussy was a piece of clothing, but she looked like she wasn't minding it one bit. Richard had to be the voice of reason.

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