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Hello y'all! I apologize for the false alarm of an update earlier. I accidentally clicked the 'publish' button instead of the 'save' button. I had to quickly take the chapter down. Sorry! I wanted to post this chapter as a surprise, but I ended up being the one surprised. Ugh!

Anyways, this is the completed chapter. Enjoy!

Warning: Rated 18A for strong, suggestive and sexual language. Thank you!


Maine was the first to stir after 2 hours of being on top of Richard since dozing off on the sofa. She tried to get up without waking him up but it was damn near impossible because of their position on the couch. They were both in a tangle of limbs. She had to push on him a little to get some leverage and that's when he opened his eyes as well.

"What time is it?" Richard asked sleepily while stretching and tightening his hold on Maine.

"It's 1 in the morning" Maine whispered back after glancing at the clock on the wall. She attempted to stand up once more but Richard wouldn't let go.

'Where are you going?" Richard asked still hanging on to Maine even if he could feel her trying to push off.

"To the bathroom Alden. Can I?" Maine asked sarcastically.

"Hhhhmmm, I guess so" he replied with a tickle, which earned him a slap on his chest.

Maine pushed off and stood up just realizing that she was still wearing her stilts. She paused by her mangled red dress on the floor, picked it up for inspection and deemed it useless, so she bent down, picked up Richard's dress shirt from the floor and put it on, buttoning just the middle part. She looked back at the man on her couch, gave him a wink and strutted her ass off to the bathroom.

Richard followed Maine with his eyes as she headed to the bathroom. He gave a low whistle of appreciation seeing her never ending legs encased in her black stiletos. No man alive would not find her sexy as hell. Her breasts fit his hands as if they were made for him, his hands faultlessly circles the expanse of her waist and her ass. Damn! Her voluptuous ass just enough for him to grab onto! He was still busy thanking the gods for giving him Maine when the reason for his once again hardened erection walked out and headed to the kitchen. He watched her open the fridge and bend down, exposing her ass and pussy to his liking. He actually salivated like a trained dog who just saw a piece of steak. Shit! I got it bad!

Maine was busy taking out leftovers from the fridge when she felt Richard grab her from behind and she felt his erection poking her in between her ass cheeks.

"Again Mr. Faulkerson?"

"You're the one flaunting your ass over here. You know me, I can't resist temptation" Richard answered accompanied with a slap to Maine's ass.

"Are you not hungry?"

"I am. Why do you think I'm here?" Richard asked as he knelt behind Maine.

Maine knew what Richard intended when she felt him kneel behind her. She would've loved to just bend over and let him have it but her stomach wasn't having any of it. It growled so loud that the quietness of her apartment was filled with the sound. She straightened, turned around to look at Richard on the floor and as their eyes met, they both burst out laughing.

"I guess that's a no, then?" Richard asked in between laughter.

"Feed me first and we'll discuss it again after" Maine responded as she turned towards the microwave to heat up the leftover food.

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