Morning After

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I hope this chapter brings some light to the most asked question. "Who is Bella's father?" Read on! And props to those who theorized this. Y'all know who you are 😉😉😉. We'll tackle the hows on the next chapter, okay? Okay!

Strong language used. Thank you!


It was exactly 7:30 the next morning when Maine stepped back inside Richard's penthouse. She looked around as if trying to gauge if there was a threat nearby. When she couldn't see any, she turned to head towards Bella's room to check on the little girl, no scratch that, to check on her niece.

When she left last night, she had no specific destination in mind. So instead of stopping, she asked the cab driver to just drive her around Makati and there, inside of the cab that smelled like sweat and car freshener combined, Maine made a decision on what to do next. After an hour of driving around, she ended up at her new apartment. Good thing her parents left her the key before they left for home. She spent the night there, orienting herself to her new home. Her mother actually bought some personal essentials so Maine was able to at least take a shower that night. Thank goodness for mothers!

Maine entered the hallway leading to the bedrooms when one of the spare rooms suddenly opened and out stepped Christine. Both ladies were shocked to see each other again but then the relief on Christine's face was so palpable and it would've been comical if Maine was in the mood.

"Oh my god! Thank the heavens you came! I am so happy to see you!" Christine exclaimed as she hugged Maine at the same time.

"Wha...huh?" Maine answered clearly puzzled.

"I wasn't sure who to call. I have a day full of meetings and I couldn't cancel them last minute so I was on the verge of losing it and now you're here! You're a godsend!" Christine continued while reaching for her purse and putting her shoes on at the same time. "I've already changed Bella. I wasn't able to give her a bath though because I admit, I'm still terrified of handling her wrong. I know, I know. She can handle anything and I promise I will set aside a day to learn everything. But, today is not that day! I'm so sorry. I have to go" she added while running to the elevators. "Oh by the way, what's your number? I will try to call you later" she blurted as she shoved her phone in Maine's face.

Maine didn't have any choice but to take the phone and input her contact information while Christine danced impatiently as she was waiting for the elevators. As soon as Maine extended her phone back to her, Christine grabbed it and dropped it inside her purse. The elevator doors opened but before Christine stepped inside, she turned to Maine again.

"Maine. Nanay Josie won't be coming this week because her daughter just gave birth so I gave her the week off. There's food on the stove, but you might want to taste it first. I'm not used to cooking for other people. Anyway, I really have to go" she finished hurriedly. Before the elevator doors closed, Christine waved and clearly stated "take care of our niece Maine. I will be back later."

Whew! That was a whirlwind! My goodness! I feel breathless just for listening.

Maine just shook her head while walking back to Bella's room. As she passed Richard's room, she couldn't help but pause outside the door and doubt her decision. But she's already here and there's no other way but to move forward. And then it hit her. Where the hell is that asshole anyway? Did he leave early for work? Maine, out of pure curiosity (yeah keep telling yourself that), reached for the doorknob to Richard's room but when she turned it, it didn't budge! Well, that's a first. He's never locked his door before. Hhhhmmm. However Maine didn't have time to dwell on her questions because Bella chose that time to cry and make her presence known.

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