Vows Unspoken

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So there you have it folks! Our heroine has finally spoken, and what a glorious declaration it was. We all felt the sincerity in her words, right? Anyway, I am going to be a little quiet for the next few days since I will be starting my 4 day set at work tomorrow. But before I do that, here's a bit of an update. Lets be a witness to the Faulkerson family dynamics.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


"I love you" Maine stated again, this time looking Richard in the eye. Everything and everyone else faded and her eyes were solely focused on him. He, who she thought would be her enemy. He, who was the reason why she's standing here in the first place. He, Richard Faulkerson Jr. who she thought would be her nemesis but instead turned out to be her saviour. He, who, not a few hours ago, told her that he loved her but he didn't expect anything in return. HE.

Maine stood there, all her vulnerability exposed, and waited for her words to sink in. She didn't realize that saying those three words out loud actually made them more true. She didn't realize that tears were now free falling from her eyes, smudging the light make up she's put on earlier to make herself look more presentable. She didn't realize that she was holding her breath until Richard was standing in front of her, wiping her tears away.

"And I love you, Nicomaine Dei Mendoza. With all of my heart" he declared once more, happy tears rolling down his face as well, the dimple on his left cheek deepening as he smiled a smile that reached his eyes.

Richard slowly lowered his head and gave Maine the most heartfelt of kisses, their tears mixing as one, lingering on her lips until they both hear someone clearing their throat.

"Ahem! Ahem!" Richard Sr. deliberately cleared his throat multiple times.

Richard reluctantly ended the kiss but instead of stepping back he pulled Maine closer to him, to give her a bear hug, probably cause he still doesn't want to end the connection of their bodies. He felt Maine pulling back but he growled, very low in his throat, only for her to hear and when she did, she stopped but gave a low chuckle instead.

"Alden, your father is looking at us" Maine whispered.

"I don't care. Serves him right for barging in here without calling first" Richard whispered loudly not really caring if his father heard him.

"I can hear you RJ!" Richard Sr. stated affronted.

"That was the idea, Dad" Richard said aloud still hugging Maine.

"Alden, don't be rude!" Maine stated slapping Richard on the arm.

"Okay. Okay. Sorry love."

"Uh-uh! Don't apologize to me. Apologize to your dad" Maine replied while pushing Richard away, this time he let her.

Richard, like a child reprimanded, turned to face his father and for a brief moment, he caught sight of his father's smile before the older man tried to hide it by bringing the glass of juice to his face.

"Dad. I'm sorry. Why don't we all sit and talk about this like rational, civilized adults, yeah?" Richard encouraged emboldened by the fact that even his father, a man who rarely finds humour in anything, was smiling because of Maine. That in itself made the whole morning a lot brighter.

Richard Sr. nodded in assent as he moved to the dining table. Maine on the other hand headed to the kitchen area.

"I think we would all be better off with a full stomach. I know I will. I'll just whip up some light breakfast" Maine said while starting to pull out stuff from the fridge. Honestly, she was starving and she's sure Richard was as well, basing on the vigorous activities they did last night. Maine didn't realize that had paused and was just looking into space and that she was blushing just thinking of what Richard did to her last night. Oh, god! Maine, wake up!

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