Stay With Me

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Hello y'all! I'm back bi*ches! Sorry for the long absence, I had real life responsibilities to attend to. Anyways, I hope it would be smooth sailing, or regular updates from now on, since I've finally completed the other one! Yay! My time and attention is all going to be here. Ain't that nice! Read on people, read on! :)

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


Maine woke up to the feel of someone breathing on the back of her neck. She stretched her satiated body, opened her eyes as she heard the masculine grumble behind her and the tightening of the arms around her waist. She was about to turn around when her eyes caught the time on the bedside table. It was 10:30 in the morning. But then it dawned on her that it was Saturday. Whew! Oh but wait! If Alden is beside me, then who's taking care of Bella? That's when she bolted upright in bed, waking the man beside her.

"Whoa! Where's the fire?" Richard mumbled sleepily while rubbing his face with his hands.

"Alden! It's 10:30 in the morning! Who's taking care of Bella if you and I are both here?!?"

"Relaaaax. I got it covered. Dad and Christine slept over at my place last night" Richard stated stretching lazily. "Come back here" he added patting the space next to him.

Maine was about to lie back down in relief when she noticed her surroundings. Her bed, well part of her bed, was where it should be. But her and Richard are both on the mattress, that is on opposite side of the bed frame, on the floor. She looked around her and saw the mess surrounding them.

"Shit! Did an earthquake happen last night we didn't know about?"

"You're kidding right?" Richard answered with disbelief.

"I'm serious! What the fuck happened to my bedroom?"

Richard sat up as well, looked around him and started laughing. "Yeah an earthquake happened last night love. Intensity Maine" he remarked.

Then the memories came flooding back. The way they pretty much fucked on all corners of her small apartment. And the bed, oh god, the bed. Richard, last night was, oh he was unstoppable. At one point the mattress came off the bed because of Richard's forceful pushes. They fucked like bunnies for 3 hours straight, only stopping in between to catch their breaths, drink some water perhaps, and use the bathroom.

Yap! That was some night! An unforgettable fucking night!

"Was it good for you as it was for me?" Richard asked after watching the different play of emotions on Maine's face while she recalled what happened last night.

"Wow Alden! Last night was, aahhh, it was something" was all that came out for the lack of words.

"If my ears aren't still bleeding from your screams of ecstasy, I would take offence to that statement" Richard replied while pulling Maine's legs to bring her closer to him.

"You're such an arrogant asshole. You proud of yourself?" Maine states to deflect the embarrassment she's feeling. Because, it is true! She fucking screamed the place down. She's actually surprised that her neighbours didn't knock her door off it's hinges.

"I'm just telling the truth. See?" Richard stuck his finger in his ear and pretended to see blood on it.

Maine slapped the finger that Richard presented to her. She didn't have any experience regarding this kind of matter but if this was the first experience she has, then how can anyone top it off. It would be a hard act to follow. Damn! Every sexual experience she'll have from now on will always, always be compared to the sexual prowess of this man in front of her. For sure! Well that is if she'll ever have a different sexual experience than this.

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