Familial Fight

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There have been a few requests coming from readers, asking me to reveal Bella's true identity. On reflection, I've decided to settle that part of the story. We are almost at 30 chapters so I think it's only fair. This chapter is the beginning of that arch.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


Maine was caught off guard by her mother's statement that she couldn't do anything but stand there like a fish gasping for air.

"You didn't have to tell me. I knew it the moment I saw those marks on your neck. And the way he looks at you. And the way you lean onto him for support. Yes, anak. I know those signs. No simple boss and employee behave that way" Maryann explained.

"Are you disappointed in me?" Maine asked in a small voice. Bloody red marks. Ugh! Why did he have to leave them there anyway.

"Disappointed?!? Oh God no! Why would you ever think that? Anak, don't ever think that! I am very, very proud of you. Your Tatay and I are very proud of you. Your sex life is not any of my concern. I'm just here to serve as a reminder that you be careful. That's all!" Maryann expounded as she hugged her daughter tightly.

Maine hugged her mother back and they stayed like that for a good minute or two before stepping back.

"Thank you Nanay. I love you. But you don't need to worry cause I got the depo shot while I was still in California. It's good for three months. You know how painful it is for me to have my period so my OBGYN suggested it and I've been period free ever since." Maine explained.

"So is it for birth control too?" Maryann asked puzzled.

"Yap. It's the primary purpose" Maine answered.

"Oh I see. Well good! I just don't want you to become pregnant when you're not ready. Although, I would like to have a grandchild soon" Maryann mused out loud which made her daughter laugh out loud.

"Nanay, I think we need to find me a husband first" Maine teased.

"That handsome man looks good to be a husband" Maryann teased back which made Maine turn beet red. Uuhhhmm, interesting. Maryann took pity on her daughter and decided to change the subject. "Anyways, Can we go eat now? I'm seriously starving" she stated while continuing to head out the door.

Maine and her mother came out from the bedroom hallway and went straight to the dining area. There, they saw Richard and Teodoro busy setting up the table. Maryann walked closer to her husband and hugged him from behind. Maine went to the kitchen to grab drinks and glasses. As she was about to take the stuff to the dining table, Richard spoke right beside her.

"Here. Let me help you with the glasses."

Maine looked up with a smile and was about to hand the glasses over when she noticed the burgeoning bruise on Richard's left jaw. She quickly placed everything back down on the kitchen counter.

"Oh god! Alden, what happened" she asked as she brought her hand up to Richard's affected jaw. But before her hand could connect, he stepped back to avoid the contact. Maine's hand was left in the air and it stayed that way for a bit while the look of contemplation passed her face. "What happened?" Maine asked again albeit a little softer.

"Nothing. I...I...uuhhhmm, I" Richard stumbled while looking behind him to be met by Mr. and Mrs. Mendoza both openly staring at him and Maine. Shit! What the hell am I supposed to say? "Well, uuhh, I slipped and hit my face on the corner of the table." There! That sounds plausible enough.

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