Say It Again

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Finally! A chapter worth waiting for! Right?!? Right! Enjoy.

I had to add this song to this chapter. I just thought the lyrics fit so well.

Warning: Rated18A for strong, suggestive and sexual language. Thank you!


Wait...whaaat?!? Did I just say that? Shit!

Richard continued kissing Maine on her neck hoping that she didn't hear what he just stupidly blurted out loud. But from the way Maine remained very still, he knew that she heard every single word.

Wait...whaaat?!? What did he just say? Did he just mention the word love?

Maine remained perfectly still when she heard Richard's words. She seriously did not know what to do or say next. She was hoping that he would say it again because she wasn't sure if she heard him right. Because what if that's not what he said and she would comment about it? Well, I would look really stupid, that's what.

Richard didn't really know what prompted him to mention the 'L' word. He definitely wasn't planning on it but it just slipped out. However, now that he had actually said it out loud, he realized that it was true. That he loves this woman in his arms. That he loves Maine. He didn't know when it happened exactly but he just knows. Well, now's a good time as any to let her know. So, he pulled back a little to make sure that he could see Maine's face clearly.


"Hhhmmm?" Maine responded avoiding Richard's eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. Perfect. I'm perfectly fine. Why do you ask?"

"Because you're not moving."

"I'm not? Sure I am" Maine stated as she rubbed her hands vigorously on Richard's back which prompted a laugh from Richard.

"Maine, are you trying to start a fire?"

"What?! What do you mean?" Maine answered still avoiding eye contact.

"From the way your hands are rubbing my back, one would think you are trying to start a fire" Richard replied teasingly.

"Oh, sorry!" Maine said as she suddenly dropped her hands to the bed.

Richard leaned back on his haunches, leaving enough space for Maine to stand up if she wanted to. After a minute or so and Maine remained on the bed, he reached out, placed his hand on her chin and lifted her head up.

"Maine, look at me."

"I can't" Maine whispered.


"I don't know" she uttered still trying to avoid eye contact.

"Please look at me" Richard implored and waited till Maine lifted her eyes and met his. "Don't panic, okay. I know what I just said. I don't want you to think I just said that because I'm trying to get into your pants. Honestly, I wasn't planning on saying it but now that it's out, I'm glad I did" he added as he ran his hand through his hair.

Maine couldn't look away from Richard's eyes now that she's looking at them. Admittedly, she felt a little giddy when she heard the word 'love' coming from him first. But, regardless of what he just said, he still didn't mention it again. More specifically, he didn't mention that he loved her. So why are you acting like that then? She knew she had to acknowledge him sooner or later anyway, so why not now.

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