Author's Note

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Let me just end this book by saying a few words, well, more than a few but you get my drift 😉.

First of all, thank you to my friend Claire @c_ampil for the plot idea. When she suggested it to me, months ago, I thought 'sure why not' with the thought that it'll just be a really short story. So I wrote the first chapter. But then I didn't expect the raw emotions that the first chapter invoked in me. I was a little taken aback because it was just the first chapter and my emotions were already too involved! Honestly, it scared the shit out of me! But like the big girl that I am 😉, I got over it and wrote the next chapter, and the next, and the next. Until, 93 chapters later, here we are.

Thank you! I know I've been saying this two words a lot but they mean more than you can imagine. Thank you so much for the continued read, the votes and most especially the comments. I love reading all of them and if you've noticed, I tried to respond to all with the exception of the second to the last chapter. Only because I didn't want to spoil the real ending.

Thank you for the friendship that developed because of this book. I will forever treasure that. Because this book might have ended, but the friendship will definitely remain.

Thank you for putting up with my cliffhangers on almost all of the chapters. It wasn't my intention to do that but your responses were just too good to ignore. Yes, I am a little sadistic 😜😜😜, but I think y'all enjoyed it too. ✌🏻.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to write my imagination. Otherwise, I would've gone mental already.

Thank you for the words of encouragement from y'all when I was sick and feeling a little depressed.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

So with tears in my eyes and ache in my heart, I say goodbye to this book but I will forever treasure the characters, the plot twists, the cliffhangers but and most of all, you, the readers.

With all of my love,

PS: tentative title for the next book: Caught In A Name.

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