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Well, after the kerfuffle this morning, and some time of me moping, I've decided to move on. Get over it and keep going. Yap, so this is the resulting chapter. This is me moving on! I issue a warning once again. Let's all take a deep breath before reading. Have water, fan or towel nearby. Kidding. Read on and enjoy.

Warning: Rated 18A for the strong, suggestive and mature content.


Maine woke up to the glare of sunlight hitting her eyes. She opened them a slit and for a minute she was disoriented as to where she was. She glanced at the bedside clock and saw that it was 11:00 in the morning! Well, you're certainly making a career out of sleeping in, Maine.

Maine looked around her and realized where she was. In Richard's bedroom, on his bed. She turned her head to the side to find the spot empty. Then the feeling of soreness hit her all over like she went for a 2 hour marathon the day before. She stretched, gingerly testing her muscles and then she felt the soreness between her legs.

Oh yeah, that! I lost my virginity! She laid back and recalled how that happened. How Richard was so gentle with her after his realization that she was a virgin. She saw how much he struggled at first, in remaining still, giving her time to adjust. But then he was insatiable after that. The thought of him losing control, because of her, brought a satisfied smile on her face. Dear heavens, when she asked for another round, she didn't think he would take it seriously. But he did! He gave her another round, and another, and another until she lost count. She had to beg for him to stop. Literally. Well no wonder, I'm sore.

Maine let her hand languidly glide to the front part of her body, starting from her neck, to her breast (pinching her nipples for good measure) down to her pussy. Once she touched her outer lips, she pulled back and let out a hiss not realizing how tender she was down there. Oh my god! Will I still be able to walk? But oh my, how many orgasms did I have? If I knew that losing my virginity would be that glorious, I wouldn't have waited for that long! Yet, whether she admits it or not, she knows that it was only that glorious because she lost it to Richard. She was lost in thought, smiling like an idiot when Richard walked in the room.

"Good morning Miss Mendoza" Richard greeted huskily while walking to her side of the bed.

Then reality hit Maine. Holy shit! I had mind blowing sex with this man. With my boss! Oh my god! I lost my virginity to my boss! With that realization came the sudden attack of shyness. She pulled the covers up to her face and just watched as Richard sat beside her on the bed. How in the world does this son of a bitch look this fuckin good in the morning? Richard was looking down at her with a smile that reached his eyes, deepening the lone dimple on his left cheek. Fuck! Yap still gorgeous! Meanwhile, I must look like a fright! With my hair a mess, the corner of my eyes still crusty and fuck! I probably have dried drool marks too.

Then she saw Richard bending down, aiming for her lips and before he could connect, she turned her head to the side so that his lips landed on her cheek instead. For a split second, she saw a look of disappointment pass his face but quickly disappeared that Maine thought she might have imagined it. He straightened himself and tenderly moved the hair covering her face to the side.

"I said good morning Miss Mendoza" he repeated.

"Good morning Mr. Faulkerson" she responded , her voice muffled by the bed covers on top of her mouth.

Richard kept looking at Maine thinking that she looked so ravishing this morning. That she looked so perfect just lying there on his bed. That she belonged in his bed. Wait, what? Aren't we jumping the gun here Faulkerson? You had one night of mind blowing sex and you start taking possession of her? Slow it down buster! He continued to look at her and couldn't help the smile of pride that came unbidden. If it were up to him, he would go out the balcony and yell out to the world that he is the lucky one to have taken Maine's virginity. In all his life, he never put much importance in a woman's virginity but with Maine, he felt like he won a billion dollars. He was lost in his giddy thought when he felt a nudge on his thigh. Maine was trying to say something but everything was muffled because she still had the bed covers covering her mouth.

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