The Day Of

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Last chapter was a fast forward one, like the title said. But this chapter will take us back to real time. Sorry for the jump around but I thought it would be nice to have a glimpse of the future before we end the story. By the way, my apologies for the lack of updates in the last few days. I got a little busy dealing with real life. But thank you for hanging in there!

Warning: Rated 18A for strong, suggestive and sexual language used. Thank you!


Richard laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling, watching and counting the turn of the ceiling fan. He's been tossing and turning in the past 3 hours but sleep seemed to have evaded him this night. He arrived at his hotel room around 11:30 last night and it's now almost 3:00 am yet he's still wide awake. He purposely came later than normal because he didn't want to have the temptation to seek out his fiancée whom he hasn't seen in person in 4 days. 4 DAYS! They've been talking on the phone, voice and face time but he hasn't seen Maine physically in 4 days.

AND! They haven't been intimate in 2 weeks! TWO FUCKING WEEKS! Ever since they came home from California. When his future father in law made him promise that he'll wed Maine as soon as possible, he didn't say that Maine will be going home with them to Bulacan and not with him to his place. So, it was a grand surprise to Richard when they arrived home and Maine was whisked off to Bulacan as if she was infected with a deadly virus.

The next day, Richard contacted every wedding planner he knew and he hired whoever could plan a beach wedding the soonest. He specifically asked that the resort be a secluded and a private one. Unfortunately, the shortest time was 2 weeks. So, for two weeks, Richard suffered. Oh he was allowed to see Maine but not without her parents standing by, more specifically Teodoro. Every single day of that 2 weeks, Richard drove to Bulacan after work, just to see his fiancée. Maine, for all her bravado and boldness, couldn't say no to her father. And Richard respected her more for that. But come on! Two weeks!  2 weeks, without her touch, her scent, her taste? It was enough to drive a man insane! The only thing that got Richard through those days was the fact that he will be marrying Maine soon! But not soon enough! 

Maine, together with her parents and Christine, came to the resort 4 days ago to see to the last minute set up. At first, she was reluctant to have a beach wedding saying that they could just be married by a judge but Richard refused. As much as he wanted to be with Maine as soon as possible, he also knows that a woman's wedding day is one of the most important days in her life. His mother taught him that! He could still hear his mom's voice..."Alden, make your wedding day a special one. Not for you but for the woman you're about to marry. Her wedding day should be one of the happiest days of her life. A day she will always remember. Make the day memorable. Never forget that." And Richard is nothing but an obedient son. In fact, when he told his father of his plan, Richard Sr. jumped at the idea and he also made all the necessary arrangements for the guests to be transported to the location. And Christine? Christine took time off from work. She was the runner for everything. Because Richard was busy with tying up loose ends in the office, Christine accompanied Maine anywhere and everywhere. To the gown fitting, the food tasting and cake choosing. Richard would show up whenever he can, but his business deals were just too demanding of his time.

Maine too, started her role as the head of Bella Foundation. She had meetings after meetings and in her in between time, she would let Christine take her wherever for the wedding preparations. Thank goodness for sisters!  Come to think of it, even if Richard and Maine were living under one roof, they probably wouldn't even get to see each other, let alone be intimate, since both were busy with their own respective jobs, and add the wedding preparation to that!

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