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Hello everyone! I hope everyone had a merry christmas. I apologize for the lack of updates for the past four days. I wanted to, believe me, but once again, my battle with real life happened and once again, real life won. I've been so busy with family and family gatherings that I wasn't even able to sit down and open wattpad, at all. As many of you know by now, I usually respond to all the comments but I wasn't able to do that in the last chapter. For that, I'm sorry. I've read all of your comments though, and once again, thank you. Anyway, this chapter have been in the draft section for a couple of days now and I only got to finish it today. It might not be up to par, but I hope you enjoy just the same.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you! 


Maine ended up waiting in the car for Richard to bring her some clothes that he insisted he buy from the hospital gift shop, since he didn't want Maine to head up to the 3rd floor with her drenched clothes on. Initially, Richard wanted to head home so that Maine can change clothes but the stubborn woman didn't want to because she wanted to head upstairs and see Bella ASAP. Then the most stupid, most senseless argument happened on why should Maine change and where she should get the new clothes from. Yes, after their intimate moment, their respite, Richard and Maine ended up arguing about her appearance. UGH! 

Finally, in the end, they reached a compromise hence the gift shop clothes. Richard hurriedly went and purchased a souvenir cotton shirt, a pair of shorts, and a pack of underwear. While lining up to pay for the stuff, Richard had to smile at the thought that the first clothes he purchased for Maine would be some cheap material from a hospital gift shop. Who would've thought? Damn, Faulkerson! You have all the money in the world and all you could give the woman you love are clothes purchased in a hurry! At a hospital gift shop, nonetheless! How embarrassing is that? And then the sudden reminder flashed in his head that he still needed to replace the red dress he ripped off of her body the last time they were together. Fuck! I really need to step up my game here. Maybe after this chaos that we're dealing with. One at a time Faulkerson, one at a time!

Maine was sitting in the front seat of Richard's Jaguar, with her clothes still dripping wet and her body now literally sticking to the leather seat when she spied Richard coming back with a paper bag in his hand marked with the St. Luke's logo. He was walking towards his car with a determined expression on his face that when Maine saw it she felt a little scared. From what, she doesn't know but his expression just screams of determination and she had a feeling that she was the subject. She followed Richard with her eyes until he stopped on the driver's side, bent down,  and signalled for her to unlock the doors. Once she did, Richard sat on the driver's side and extended the paper bag in his hand towards her.

"Here you go" Richard stated but when Maine reached for the bag, he wouldn't let go.

"Uhhhmmm, Alden, I would like to not catch pneumonia if that's possible?" Maine stated softly but with an underlying sarcasm.

"Oh right" Richard began and then he suddenly turned in his seat to face Maine. "Maine, I'm so sorry. I promise you, I will make it up to you. I swear" he added earnestly.

For a minute, Maine looked at Richard with a puzzled expression on her face, because for the life of her, she couldn't think of a reason why he should be apologizing at this time. In fact, she should be the one apologizing since she was the one that uttered those hateful words earlier.

"Look Alden, I'm the one who should apologize about earlier. I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it. I was just a little...it's just that...I can't believe that... OH GOD" and with that the tears started flowing again. Maine tried to talk in between her sobs but she couldn't so she just gave up and cried harder. 

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