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Yesterday wasn't a good day for me. It wasn't for the fact that someone sent me a nasty DM regarding my stories. No. Far from it. What bothers me till now, is that way I responded to her/him. I took out my anger on twitter and ranted on my TL. I let my emotions rule me and I am sorry for that. Anyway, as if I haven't said this enough, thank you. Thank you for all of you. I wouldn't be writing anything at all if it weren't for you. I will be forever grateful for this friendship that continues to blossom from my stories here.

And for that one person, this chapter is for you! I gotta give it to you! You got me! God bless your soul.

Warning: Rated 18A: Sexual language all throughout! Thank you!


Maine wrapped her legs around Richard's waist and her arms around his neck as he placed his hands on her waist to guide her movements. She still couldn't believe that Richard was here, her body wrapped around his and his cock moving slowly in and out of her pussy.

"Alden?" Maine asked breathlessly.

"Hhhmmm?" Richard answered as if his body wasn't demanding him to move faster, harder.

"I love you." Maine whispered as she bit on his earlobe. "But I've missed you too much to take this slow. We can do slow later. Right now, I need you to move a little bit faster, only if you don't mind" she added, her words dripping with sarcasm and her actions even more so. She bit on his earlobe a lot harder for emphasis.

"Naaahh. I'm okay right here." Richard answered, still slowly moving in and out. I haven't felt your wetness, your tightness for four fucking weeks. I think I deserve to savour this moment" he remarked, tightening his hold on Maine's waist when she started to move faster.

"I swear, I will make it up to you later Alden. But please, please, don't do this to me" Maine implored. She seriously needed some release right now!

"Just enjoy the ride love. I'm not moving any faster than this" Richard replied with a smile.

"Oh god! Is this another one of your punishments?"

"You bet it is! You brought this on to yourself, you know. If you didn't leave me, you would've enjoyed this *pushes his cock hard* anytime *pulled out till the tip remained then pushed it back all the way in again* you wanted" Richard mumbled. Deep inside, he badly wants to just fuck Maine fast and hard because his body was screaming for it. But, he also needed to make a statement. He might end up with a burst vein in his cock soon, but Maine needed to be punished.

"Richard please, please" Maine begged, not really caring if she sounded pathetic or not.

"Nope. We do this my way *pumps his cock in three successive hard pushes* or we don't do it at all" Richard stated. Although beads of sweat were starting to roll down the side of his temples and his hands were leaving marks on Maine's waist for the tight grip he had on them.

"FAULKERSON! Pleeeeaaassseee" was all Maine could say because the elusive climax was so close that she just needed to reach for it. She started to move her hands to the part that they were joined, to that bundle of nerves that all it needed was to be touched and climax will be achieved but Richard clued in and he grabbed Maine's hands, placed in on her back and held it there with his much larger ones.

"I told you, we do this my way" Richard berated the woman in his arms as he continued to pump his hips into her, slow and steady.  He looked at Maine to see that the veins on her forehead looked like they were about to pop, her lips redenned and swollen from her biting them too much and beads of sweat rolling down her face as well. He followed one particular bead with his eyes until it reached her breast and before it could fall, he licked it into his mouth. The moan of ecstacy/pain that Maine let out was so primal that Richard almost forgot what he was trying to do.

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