Stressed Out

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Here's a chapter to tie us over. It might not be up to par but hey, I tried 😏. This one had been sitting on the draft section for the past 4 days so I thought, might as well post it. Anyway, please don't shoot me after. I swear, I'll make it up to you!

The title speaks for how I'm actually feeling.

Strong and suggestive language used.


Maine stood on one side, right by the private elevator that opens up to the entryway of the penthouse, while Richard stood on the other. They were facing each other like hotel greeters, looking guilty as fuck, like children hiding a naughty secret. Maine can't even look Richard in the eye for fear that her father will see them and will know what they've been doing in the last 8 hours.

Once the elevator doors opened, Teodoro Mendoza stepped out with a worried look on his face which quickly transformed into relief when he spotted his daughter. He went straight to Maine and hugged her and he wouldn't let go.

"Menggay" Teodoro exhaled sounding like a lost man and finding his oasis for the first time.

Maine forgot everything else and focused solely on her father. In the past three, almost fours weeks that she hasn't seen her parents, her father looked like he's aged 10 years.

"Tatay. Tatay, what's wrong?" Maine asked as she hugged Teodoro back. "Tatay?"

Teodoro finally lets his daughter go after giving out a sigh and one last squeeze.

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong. Your Nanay and I were just worried about you. We've been trying to call you since yesterday and you haven't been answering. Are you okay?"

"I'm so sorry Tatay. I'm fine. I wasn't feeling well yestearday so I slept most of the day and aahhhmmm today, I...I...I... was aaahhmmm, I slept in. My phone must've died since I didn't charge it" Maine answered almost choking because of the lie she just uttered.

Richard was just standing to the side observing father and daughter and at one point, when Maine was struggling with her words, he was about to speak up to her rescue. Good thing he didn't because he would've blurted out what exactly happened. Shit! That would've been a worthy punch in the face by Mr. Mendoza! And he would've deserved it too! He observed the father and daughter interaction and for a split second, the longing for his own family blossomed inside of him. They used to be a close knit family, until his mom died followed by his brother. Now, they rarely see each other. Well except for his sister and him. They see each other regularly. But their dad, yeah, they probably see him once or twice a year and on those times, very briefly. He would always be in a rush. Always have somewhere to be rather than be with his children. Unknowingly, Richard let out a sad sigh which got Maine and her father's attention. Both turned to him at the same time.

"Oh. Tatay, I would like you to meet errr, uuhhmm..."

"Richard, sir. Richard Faulkerson Jr." Richard interrupted while extending his hand.

Oh yes! That! He's my uuhhhmm, lover? Bedmate? Fuck buddy? Employer with benefits?

"My boss! Yes he's my boss." Maine added a little to sudden, a little too loud!

Both Teodoro and Richard looked in her direction with unreadable expressions on their faces. After a breath or two, Teodoro faced Richard and took his extended hand on his own.

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