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Whenever an arc is completed in any of my stories, I honestly feel drained which results in not being able to keep my thoughts together. This chapter might be a perfect example of that. I started writing this part even before I finished the last chapter thinking that everything will just flow. BUT, BUT, BUT...I feel that this chapter did not live up to that expectation. Anyways, I hope it will still makes sense.

Strong language used. Thank you.


It took Richard half an hour to finally feel human again. After he stepped out of the shower, he looked at his reflection in the mirror and decided he will keep his 4 day old beard, for now. It added a little intimidating effect to his persona since once he goes out there, he will be facing the dynamic hurricane named Nicomaine Mendoza.

Richard stepped out of his bathroom to discover that his room was close to being normal again. There were no more things littering the floor. The bed was made up with freshly laundered sheets. The blinds were fully open. Except for the smell. There was still that lingering smell of something stale. What did you expect, Faulkerson? Four days man. Four days!

After putting clothes on, Richard stepped out of his room and detoured to Bella's room first, only to discover the room empty. So he really had no choice but to face the inevitable. He steeled himself and headed towards the kitchen. Honestly! Why the fuck am I this nervous? Richard has had his fair share of closing big business deals but he had never felt this before. Just because of a mere slip of a woman. He was shaking his head in wonder when he walked out into the kitchen area and spied Maine by the sink, putting away dishes. He looked around expecting to see Bella on her swing but the swing was also empty. He cleared his throat to make his presence known to which Maine turned to face him.

"Where's Bella?"

"Christine and Jason took her out for playtime. She also needed to get her monthly checkup done." Maine answered watching Richard move closer and closer. The first thing that Maine noticed was the shadow of a beard on Richard's face. Hot Damn! Why did he have to leave that on? Shit! This might be a lot harder than I thought.

Richard stopped in front of Maine, on the other side of the kitchen counter, just to be safe.

"But what about her IV?" Richard asked, worry written on his face.

"A lot can happen in four days, Richard. Like, your daughter could get a lot better, you know" Maine replied sarcastically.

"Okay. Okay, I get it." Richard conceded. "So, what exactly do you want to talk about?" He added while leaning his hips on the counter.

"No! Not yet. You need to eat first. Sit down! I'll get you something to eat." Maine commanded.

And Richard, like the obedient man that he was, sat his ass on the bar stool without protest. He watched Maine move around his kitchen realizing that she actually looked like she belonged. Like his kitchen was made for the likes of her. She moved gracefully but efficiently, daintily yet comfortably. Woah! Faulkerson, are you still drunk?

Maine scooped up beef stew on a bowl and as soon as the toaster oven dinged, signalling that the garlic bread was ready, she placed the soup and the bread in front of Richard and gestured for him to eat.

Richard took big spoonfuls of the stew without saying a word. He finished everything in under 5 minutes.

"Would you like some more?" Maine asked.

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