Deal Breaker

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Yay, an update! Truthfully, I was starting to go batshit crazy from this paper writing so to keep my sanity, I decided to jump over to wattpad and type a chapter. But then, it looks like my feelings have been reflected on this chapter. You'll see what I mean.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you! 


"Seriously! What the fuck is wrong with our parents!" Maine stated irritatedly as she tried to scramble out of Richard's bed.

Richard, meanwhile couldn't help the hysterical laughter that came out. He couldn't seem to help it. The whole situation is so messed up that once he started laughing, he couldn't stop.

Maine whacked Richard's head with a pillow, out of pure irritation but it doesn't seem to have any effect on him. He was bent over, laughing hysterically.

"Well! I'm glad one of us finds this funny! Ugh!" Maine exclaimed with her arms akimbo, abandoning the pillow on the floor.

"How can you not find this funny?" Richard blurted in between his laughter. "It's so fuckin ridiculous that it's hilarious" he added.

"I feel like a fuckin teenager being caught by my parents! Every single time! I didn't go through this when I was a teenager, why am I going through it now!" Maine blurted exasperatedly. She started pacing back and forth, quite irritated with her parents and with the asshole beside her, still laughing uncontrollably! "ALDEN! Get a grip! Our parents are waiting downstairs!"

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry....okay, okay. I'm good." Richard began trying to catch his breath and wiping the tears from his face. He took a few calming breaths just to refocus. "Oh god! I've never laughed that hard since...I don't even remember when! Shit! That felt good!"

"Well, instead of you laughing your ass off over there, figure out what to do with your dad and my parents because I am heading to my bathroom to take a shower and I won't come out till next year!" Maine expressed while walking away from her obtuse man.

"Wait. Wait! I thought you love me. You wouldn't subject me to that torture alone, would you?"

"Watch me, Faulkerson! Watch me!"

"Love, wait!" He waited till Maine stopped in her tracks but without turning back. "I love you" he stated but with a little bit of teasing to his tone.

"Yeah, yeah! Not gonna work Faulkerson. You're on your own" Maine waved her hand and continued walking away. "Answer that damn intercom before your father breaks it!"


Richard Sr. and the Mendozas made themselves at home after they stepped off the elevator much to Richard's chagrin. The three acted as if they've known each other for years instead of just meeting that afternoon. In a way, it's refreshing to see because at first Richard thought for sure that they would never, ever get along. In fact, with his dad's temperament and Teodoro's attitude, Richard was willing to bet that they were going to crash horns like angry bulls.

"Why was my fob not working, son?" Richard Sr. asked.

"I don't know. I'll get maintenance to look into it on Monday. It's already past 5, so I'm sure they've all gone home by now" Richard lied. "How is Bella, Dad?" Way to change the subject Faulkerson.

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