Fast Forward

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So as this story is nearing its end, I thought I would change it up a bit. The title might give you a bit of a clue but I hope to sustain the momentum till the last chapter. As you reach the end of this chapter, hopefully you will know what I mean by changing it up. Enjoy!

It could be a little confusing.


Richard took to the podium and looked around him. The place was filled to the rafters. He's never seen this event to be this successful before. There were different pharmaceutical companies here and abroad represented, as well as different research companies. The number of politicians and celebrities have also tripled compared to the last time they had a charity ball. This just means one thing. That the sponsors and donors have dramatically increased and the donations definitely have been overflowing. But the most important outcome? That the awareness of Gaucher Disease have now increased to an exponential height! That, in itself was the best accomplishment for the Bella Foundation.

"Ahem, ahem" Richard spoke into the microphone over the cacophony of voices. He waited till everyone became quiet before he spoke once more.

"Thank you everyone for coming and joining us tonight. For those that are not aware, Bella Foundation was established almost 2 years ago, when our daughter, Isabella Rose, was diagnosed with Gaucher Disease Type 2 at 6 months of age. Faulkerson Industries together with Dr. Pineda started to organize charity balls every 6 months since then to raise funds that goes towards the research for a cure. So far, it is an incurable disease and the progression is quick and fatal. All children diagnosed will not live to celebrate their 3rd birthday, or even earlier. Sadly for our daughter, she passed away a week before she could celebrate her second birthday. That was 7 months ago. My family and I can tell you first hand, that the experience in caring for a child with Gaucher Disease Type 2 will forever be embedded in our hearts. We miss our Bella so much, but, seeing this many people in this room, brings a smile to my face because it means that we are successful in our quest for awareness and hopefully, with your help, closer to a cure. So, just a reminder, get your cheque books ready because security won't let you leave until you've paid your dues" this Richard stated with a wink to which earned loud laughter and applause from the guests. "No, I'm serious" he stated once more with a serious expression on his face but the deepening of his dimple gave him away. The noise died down but everyone in the room nodded in agreement with smiles on their faces.

"Anyways, once again, thank you for being here. Now, without further ado, I would like to introduce the one person that actually made tonight a success. Without her leadership, her determination, her enthusiasm and her passion to search for a cure, tonight would not have been this grand. Ladies and gentleman, I am extremely proud to introduce the brain behind tonight's very successful event. Please welcome, my wife, Nicomaine Dei Mendoza Faulkerson."

The room once again exploded into thunderous applause and whistles. Richard hurriedly stepped down from the stage and went to assist Maine as she stood up from where she was sitted. Knowing her, she would crawl her way up the stage if I'll let her. In fact, Maine was actually about to take a step forward when she was suddenly swept off her feet by her husband, much to her chagrin and embarrassment!

"Love, put me down! I can walk!" Maine whispered through the fake smile she had plastered on her face.

"And risk the chance of you falling flat on your face? Not a chance" Richard whispered back, taking measured steps to the stage.

"Alden! I'm just pregnant! Not an invalid!"

"BUT! You are pregnant with my child, so suck it up, buttercup" Richard replied back accompanied with a peck to his wife's cheek.

"You're embarrassing me" Maine replied coupled with a pinch to Richard's shoulder.

"Better that than you tripping" Richard whispered again. He gently set Maine on her feet and waited till she looked like she wasn't going to fall, he slowly backed away and went to sit to get a better view of his wife.

"My husband, ladies and gentlemen" Maine began, indicating Richard with an over exaggerated flourish of her hand which in turn earned laughter from the audience. "Anyway, thank you love, for that introduction and the very dramatic entrance" she continued with a smile and a wink directed at her husband.

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for coming out tonight and showing your support. It is amazing to see so many people with one goal and one purpose tonight. That is to raise awareness on Gaucher Disease Type 2. Like my gorgeous husband mentioned, Bella Foundation was established when our daughter was diagnosed with the disease. Everyday after that was a struggle for everyone involved. Not knowing when Bella will deteriorate and finally succumb was an everyday question for us. But! But, the funny thing was, as we were all struggling with that idea, Bella lived everyday as if nothing was amiss. Throughout all her numerous tests, surgery after surgery, the monthly check ups, she always had a smile on her face. She will always wave her hand up in the air whenever she wanted to play or be picked up and she would laugh at anything and everything! Then the time came for her to go. Of course, she would cry out in pain, but not once, not once did I see the light in our daughter's eyes diminish. Even when she took her last breath, that twinkle in her eye remained." Maine had to stop her speech at this time as emotions overtook her. She looked to the table where her husband was seated, surrounded by her parents and her in laws. The most important people in her life, all looking at her with encouraging smiles. She reached down, caressed her 39 weeks pregnant belly and received a strong kick from her unborn child as if encouraging her as well. So, Maine took a few calming breaths and continued.

"Tonight, I'm very honoured and grateful for everyone's presence. Since I took over the Bella Foundation six months ago, I've made it a point to bug each and everyone of you. You might have seen me more than twice in your offices, heard my annoying messages on your voicemails, seen my persistent emails on your inbox and sometimes seen me stalk you at the mall." This time Maine stopped because the whole room was filled with laughter from the guests coupled with nods of acknowledgement.

"Like our Bella, I never gave up and l can see that my persistence paid off. This room is a testament that we are increasing the awareness surrounding this fatal disease. I promised my daughter when she was still alive that I will never give up on her, and I will continue to keep that promise as part of her legacy."

Richard sat on his chair, watching proudly as his wife gave her thank you speech. When he mentioned she was the brain behind this successful event, he wasn't lying. His mind went back to that day that Maine told her father of her pregnancy. When he came to, after being knocked out by Teodoro's punch, the older man was the one that helped him up from the floor. Teodoro didn't let Richard's hand go until he extracted a promise from the younger man that he'll marry his daughter as soon as possible, before their child is born. The only thing he can distinctly remember that day, six months ago was his own father laughing his ass off the floor and his jaw hurting like hell!

"My husband, together with our family and the people behind Bella Foundation would like to thank everyone for joining us tonight! And most of all we thank you for your support! So please let's enjoy the rest of the entertainment that we prepared for all of you. Thank you."

The whole room exploded into a thunderous applause with everyone standing on their feet. The applause didn't die down until Richard gently lowered Maine back down on her chair. The ladies in the room watched with a hint of envy as Richard attended to his wife and the men watched wishing for a wife like Maine.

Richard sat back down beside his wife and looked around him. Here he was, surrounded by the people he loved, content and satisfied. He couldn't ask for anything more. As the entertainment commenced, his mind wandered back to one specific day. The happiest day of his life so far .......

The day he could finally call Maine his wife!

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