Moment Ruined

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First day off y'all! Yay! The last four days have been crazy that I'm just so glad I survived it! So here's a chapter to commemorate my intact sanity! 😂😂😂. Dramatic, I know but just let me have this moment okay! 😜. Don't ruin it ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻. By the way, this chapter is unedited.

Warning: Rated 18A for strong, suggestive and sexual language. Thank you! Enjoy!


Maine launched herself at the unsuspecting, kneeling Richard on the floor. Like a football player trying to stop the opponent from reaching home run. She did it without thought but a lot of emotion. Overwhelming happiness! That's what she felt. Because Richard's admission of asking her father for her hand before he asked her? That was just priceless. For a daddy's girl like her, that unprompted move on his part spoke volumes. The lingering doubts in her head just flew out the window with his admission. Because come on! Which girl in their right mind would ever refuse this man? When he took it upon himself to approach her father without being told to do so? Knowing full well how hard Teodoro Mendoza's fists could be. Truthfully, if her father didn't give his blessing, she would fight for Richard, probably even if it meant going against her father.

Richard was unprepared when Maine threw herself at him from her sitting position on the bed. They ended up toppling on the floor, all limbs tangled, but the enormous happiness overflowing from both of them. Richard had no choice but to go with the momentum, keeping special attention to Maine, making sure that he didn't hurt her, even unintentionally, in any way.

Maine ended up on top of Richard on the floor. She was laughing and crying at the same time, with her tears, snot and saliva all mixed together. But she really didn't care. Damn hormones! I look like a stupid, crazy woman.

Maine, to cover up for her crazyness, placed both of her hands on opposite sides of Richard's face and rained wet, sloppy kisses on the poor man's face. Richard, for his part, took it all in. Seeing that Maine was overwhelmed with her emotions, he let her, lying under her unmoving, still gripping the jewelry box in his left hand.

"Maine? Love?" Richard managed to ask after a few minutes of enduring the hysteria from the woman on top of him.


"Ahhhmmm, I hate to be the spoilsport here but is it too much to ask if you bind your answer by wearing this ring?" Richard asked hesitantly, sounding like a child asking for reassurance. Perhaps, he does need the reassurance by seeing his ring on Maine's finger. "It's petty and childish, I know, but after what we've been through, I don't think it's too much to ask".

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Of course" Maine responded as she extended her left hand out. Richard, for all that he'd accomplished, still retains a bit of his childhood insecurity. Maine have come to know this in the last 6 months that they've lived under one roof. He is a self assured, confident man but once in a while, he becomes the insecure child once again. Funny thing was, he doesn't seem to notice it. But, Maine certainly does. And it might be a flaw to some but to Maine, it actually makes Richard a lot more endearing to her. Because she certainly gets the attack of insecurities once in a while too. It's just comforting to know that she's not the only one.

Richard sat up on the floor, repositioning Maine in a straddling position on top of him. He then reached for her left hand and was about to slide the ring onto her ring finger when Maine pulled her hand back so suddenly.


"Dear heavens woman! What now?"

"Aahhhmmm, I love you! I just want you to know that" Maine whispered against Richard's lips.

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