Now What?

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Hello y'all! I'm so sorry for the delayed update. As many of you know, I just finished the course I was taking. What most are not aware of is that I am also a mother of three and when I was doing the course (from September to December), I sort of put being a mother in the back burner. So when I did my final exam last December 2, I decided that I needed to spend more time with my kids. Hence, the long lack of updates. Plus, christmas day is just around the corner, so there are lots of stuff to attend to. But, I'm still here. Don't worry. This story is far from being finished. we still have quite a bit of issues to attend to. Having said that, here's an update. 

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


The people that ran to Maine's room slowly filed out again once they figured out that everything was fine. Different expressions on different faces was evident. Some looked annoyed, some amused and others just plain looked curious. Only Maine's assigned nurse and the doctor were left after everyone stepped out.

"Well, hello there! It's nice of you to join the living. My name is Marina and I am your nurse for today. This fine man right here is Dr. Ong" the grey haired woman remarked good naturedly as she proceeded to do her initial assessments. Richard reluctantly stepped a little further away from the bed and stood on the side looking like a sentinel on guard. "Your husband over there haven't left your side since you came in" she added with a smile.

"He's not my husband" Maine remarked, matter of fact, unaware that Richard's facial expression turned sour from her words.

"Oh. I'm so sorry. I just assumed because he acted like your husband. Hhhhhmmm never mind. Well if he's not, he should be anyway" Marina mumbled with a wink, covering up for her blunder. She got busy checking up Maine's vitals and when she was done recording everything, she handed the chart over to the doctor before she stepped out herself. But before the doctor could open his mouth, Maine spoke to Richard.

"Alden, why don't you go and get something to eat."

"No. I'm okay right here."

"Alden, please. I'm sure you haven't had anything to eat yet. I'm okay here."

"Well, uuhhhmmm are you sure? I don't want to leave you by yourself" Richard asked unsure of what to do. Why the fuck does she want me to leave?

"Yes. I'll be fine. I'll still be here when you get back. I'm not going anywhere."

Dr. Ong watched the exchange between the two. It was obvious that the man was reluctant to leave the young lady behind but Maine was also insistent on making sure that the man go get something to eat. They honestly looked and acted like a married couple but apparently they're not. In the end, the man left after promising to be back in a jiffy.

As soon as Richard stepped out of the room and closed the door, Maine turned to Dr. Ong with a serious look. In the states, if a female, child bearing age patient comes through the emergency room unconscious, it's standard procedure to check for HCG levels or the pregnancy hormone before they start doing anything else. Just to make sure that it's safe to do xrays or give medications. Maine wasn't sure if it's the same in the Philippines but she didn't want to take the chance that's why she made sure that Richard was not in the room before Dr. Ong started talking.

"Miss Mendoza. You got us worried there for a bit. You were out for the last 28 hours. How are you feeling?" Dr. Ong asked.

"I feel a little disoriented, probably from the long sleep but I'm okay, I think" Maine answered.

"You have a gash on your head from the accident and a sprained right ankle but other than that, you are okay. Can you tell me what year it is and where you are?" Dr. Ong asked.

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