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Sorry for the delayed update. Anyways, I hope that your hearts are ready for the heartbreak. But please don't shoot me after because there will be more. Enjoy and thank you!

Strong language used.


"Tatay. You need to apologize to Alden" Maine stated, looking at her father wide eyed.

"Anak, who the hell is Alden?"

"Oops. I meant him." Maine pointed to Richard . "You need to apologize to Richard. Keep in mind Tay, he is my boss" she added adding emphasis to the word boss.

Teodoro looked to his wife again, pleadingly this time, as if begging for help.

"Oh no. Don't look at me. You threw the punch. You need to take ownership" Maryann stated while putting both her hands up, palms out.

"Tatay" Maine warned.

Like a petulant child, Teodoro crossed his arms across his chest, jutted his lower lip out and looked at the floor.

No one said a word, but all eyes were on Teodoro, waiting for his next move. Well, really waiting for him to do something. Until, finally, he looked up and inwardly decided that he could actually be eating instead of throwing a childish tantrum, so he released a defeated sigh. He looked at the younger man across the table from him. The one that looked like he was deep in thought.

"Mr. Faulkerson. I apologize for punching you in the face. I have no right...wait...no...*clears throat*, I have all the right because that's my little girl dammit" Teodoro rambled.

"Tatay" Maine warned again coupled with Maryann's "Mahal" at the same time.

"Okay. I'm sorry for the punch. I shouldn't have done that. For that I apologize but not for the reason behind it. There!" Teodoro relented while extending his hand towards the younger man.

Richard watched the Mendoza patriarch struggle with his apology. It would've been comical and he would've laughed too because he could see Maine and her mother on his peripheral vision struggling not to laugh themselves. But, his jaw really does hurt and he could feel it getting tight probably because it's starting to swell up. And he was preoccupied with something else. So when the older man extended his hand, Richard had no choice but to accept it. They shook hands.

"It's okay sir. I will be sporting a bruise on my jaw for a while but I accept all the fault."

Maine watched as her father and Richard shook hands (mostly just for show on her father's part and probably because of fear on Richard's part), observing on the side. But then she saw it. It was very subtle but she's been living with Richard for 4 weeks now and she could read him like a map. She saw the way he looked to her with doubt. It passed quickly but she saw it. What the hell? He's behaving a little strange.

Richard played the amicable host for another hour after that, even if he was dying to go to his office and do some investigative digging. He seemed a little cold but that could be attributed to him being punched. He sat back and watched the interaction between the three although he wanted to clarify if what he heard earlier was right.

It was around 3:30 pm when the Mendoza parents left Richard's penthouse with a last reminder from Maryann that Maine should move out soon and a last threat from Teodoro with a wave of his fist.

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