For All Eternity

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I am soooo sorry for this delayed update. I have to blame real life once more. But a small part of it is because I had a hard time writing about their wedding day. And their vows? OMG! It was torture. I wanted to make it so it wouldn't be conventional, like their love story, but I also wanted it to be realistic. Anyways, this is what I came up with. Thank you for your patience, y'all!

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you.


The sun was just dipping and was leaving ember-red streak on the sky behind it and the reflection onto the sea seemed like a dragon's lick. The sand has been burnished into a long winding-sheet of copper and the horizon is threaded with a thin line of silver.

The guests were all seated, making small talks among each other. The entourage lined up and waiting to march towards the set up stage with a gazebo covered in gossamer white flowing with the sea breeze. The priest standing in the middle, at the ready. The musicians were to the left, playing a soft, mellow version of Bella's favourite song, "Butterfly Kisses."

Richard stood stock still, like a sentinel guarding its charge. His body unmoving but his eyes were focused on the sun as it bowed down further, casting orange like glow at the people surrounding him. He could feel the excitement, the thrill yet he also felt nervous. For what he doesn't know. It's my wedding day, for crying out loud! Perhaps, he's mixing up his nervousness to his excitement. Who knows? But one thing he knows for sure, is that he will be married to the love of his life soon, very soon.

Suddenly, the music changed from being hushed to being full blown, changing the song to 'Hallelujah', signalling the start of the wedding procession. There were no flower girls or ring bearer as per the bride and groom's choice. So the first to walk down the white carpet was Richard accompanied by his father on his left side. Before they could take the first step, Richard Sr. turned to his son and asked.

"RJ? Are you ready son?"

"Never been more ready in my entire life dad" Richard replied.

"I'm very happy for you dear boy. I'm sure your mom is too" Richard Sr. stated while pulling his much taller, much bigger son in his arms. The older man then reached inside his pocket and handed a small box to his son. "This was your mother's. Give it to Maine later" he whispered, not bothering to hide the tears of happiness that freely flowed.

"Dad" Richard began, his voice hitching. "Thank you. For everything" he added as he hugged his father some more.

Then they heard someone clearing his throat from behind them.

"Bro, are you having second thoughts?" Jason teased.

"NEVER!" Richard replied vehemently.

"Then, get your ass walking! The guests are starting to wonder what's the hold up" Jason answered back. He is Richard's best man after all. It's part of his job to get the groom going. "But listen Richard, I'm happy for you" he added.

And so, with one last hug to his father, the two Richards walked down the aisle like it was nobody's business. They were followed by Jason who went to stand beside Richard at the front.

The music changed once more when the men were all where they should be. This time, the musicians started to play "I'm yours."

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