Statement Given

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Here's an update before I go back to work tomorrow. Just a continuation of the last chapter but I think it speaks a lot to what a parent must feel like in these situations. Anyway, enjoy.

Again, strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


It was Richard that caught Maine's mother before she hit the floor. He was the one closest to Maine and he witnessed how the older version of Maine turned as pale as a white sheet and then she lost consciousness. He lifted her into his arms easily and headed to one of the empty bedrooms. He gently placed Mrs. Mendoza on the bed while Maine and her father followed close behind. As soon as his hands were free, Maine handed Bella over to him and quickly went to check on her mother.

"What the fuck? Is she okay" Teodoro asked worriedly.

"Her pulse is strong and her respirations are normal. Have you guys had something to eat yet, Tatay?" Maine asked her father worriedly.

"Well now that I think about it, no. We haven't had lunch yet." Teodoro answered.

"Has this happened before?" Maine probed.

"Well, sometimes she gets dizzy when she's exhausted but not to the point of fainting."

"When was the last time she went to see a doctor, Tay?"

"Just last month for our annual checkup." Teodoro answered worriedly while sitting beside his wife.

"And what did the doctor say?"

"Everything looked fine. She is healthy for her age." Teodoro caressed his wife's face and grabbed her hand.

Maine could see her father was starting to get really worried. She was too actually, but she needed to be calm for her father's sake, even if her heart was thudding out of her chest and she was busy uttering a mental prayer. Please dear Lord. Don't let anything happen to my mother. Lord, please, please. She glanced at Richard and caught him already looking at her with the same worried expression on his face. She went to stand closer to him and unconsciously reached for Bella.

As soon as Maine felt Bella's warmth on her chest, she hugged the little girl closer to her body, finding comfort with Bella's weight and baby odor. Maine felt Richard put his arms around her shoulder and she automatically leaned her body towards his. Bella sensing the panic from the adults in the room started to make a fuss.

"Ssshhh. It's okay princess. It's okay" Maine automatically cooed to soothe the child. Please dear God, let everything be okay.

It felt like eternity but it was only within 5 minutes when Maryann finally stirred. Teodoro watched as his wife finally opened her eyes, the tension on his shoulders easing dramatically. Maine released the breath she wasn't aware she was holding. She looked to Richard with the intention of asking him to grab a glass of water but he was already leaving the room to get it.

"What happened?" Maryann asked looking around the room.

"You scared the shit out of me! That's what happened" Teodoro exclaimed.

"Tatay" Maine admonished. "Nanay, you fainted. As soon as you stepped out of the elevator, you passed out" she explained to her mother.

Maine went closer to her mother's other side, still with Bella in her arms and as soon as Maryann saw the child, she instantly recalled why she passed out. She remembered thinking how this child reminded her so much of her first born, God rest her soul. But, now that she's actually looking at the child up close, she couldn't figure out why she thought that in the first place. Then Maryann got to thinking that maybe she misses Dyann so much that she was associating everything around her to her daughter. But, there was this moment earlier, even if it was just her imagination, when she looked at the child and saw her firstborn looking back and she forgot to breathe.

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