Conflicting Emotions

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This chapter might start to shed some light on Bella's true identity, or not? But believe me, we've only just began! Read on and enjoy!

Strong, suggestive and mature language used.


The Saturday following Bella's first day at home, Maine was able to talk to Richard about her plan of not going home to Bulacan because she wanted to establish a routine that would work with what Bella was used to in the hospital. Richard readily agreed of course, because, if he was being honest with himself, he was still nervous about being left alone with his daughter for two days right after she got discharged from the hospital. But he didn't say that out loud. Why should he? He went along with with Maine's plan since it benefited him in the long run.

The week after that was a whole lot of trial and error. Bella's time and dosage of medications were needed to be adjusted to go with her sleep time and waking hours. Dr. Pineda had to come over to Richard's house more than scheduled (much to Richard's chagrin since his friend seemed to have an alternative motive) because of the medication adjustments. Maine adamantly insisted that an hour of playtime be added to the little girl's routine; may it be inside or outside of the house. Finally after the 8th day of adjustments and readjustments, Bella seemed to have finally settled into being at home rather than the hospital.

On the 4th day of Maine's employment, she received a call from her mother letting her know that the apartment hunting might have to be put on hold for now because they have encountered a problem in the restaurant that needed her parents full attention. Maine didn't really mind because at that time, she was still in the middle of establishing a workable routine for Bella. Her mother promised Maine that she will resume her search for an apartment as soon as they fix the problem with the restaurant.

Richard, for his part, wanted to be at home with his daughter for the first week but he needed to be at his office to finish up some business deals. He made it a point however, to be at home by at least 6:00 pm so that he will be the one to prepare and administer Bella's last meal of the day while Maine gives him the instructions on how to do so. He was all thumbs at first but by the third day, he eventually got the hang of it. The first time he did everything by himself, he was so ecstatic that he hugged Maine and twirled her around. He eventually noticed his blunder when he felt the rigidness of Maine's posture. He promptly set her down and apologized to which she just nodded, before she turned her back and pretended to be busy with something else. Talk about being awkward. Face palm at it's finest!


Richard got home at exactly 6:00 pm on the third Friday since Bella had been home. He took over the duties and Maine quietly retreated to her room. It was exactly 6:30 when the buzzer to his place sounded. A little puzzled, he picked up Bella and went to go answer the caller.


"Hey man. It's Jason." came the reply from the other end. Richard buzzed his friend in, still unsure why he was here. Five minutes later, the main elevators opened and out stepped Jason, all decked out like he was going somewhere special.

"Hey Jay, what's the occasion" Richard asked as his friend came closer and gave Bella a kiss on her forehead.

"Hello angel" he whispered to the little girl before looking up at his friend. "I'm here to pick up Maine" he plainly stated.

Wait, WHAT?!? What did he just say? "Pick up Maine? You mean Miss Mendoza?" Richard asked disbelief clearly written on his face.

"Yeah. We're going on a date. She didn't tell you?" Jason answered.

"No. No she didn't" Richard indifferently replied belying the fact that his stomach was churning. Because why would she tell me. I'm just her employer. And as of 6:00 tonight, she was off the clock. Anything she does after that is clearly none of my fuckin business.

"Oh. Well yeah. I asked her out last week and she agreed" Jason weakly explained seeing the tensing of Richard's posture and the hint of redness on the tip of his ears. Jason and Richard have been friends for so long that they each know each other's quirks. "You don't mind, do you?"

"Who doesn't mind what" Maine asked as she stepped into the kitchen area. Both men turned to look in her direction and both men felt their jaw go slack from the vision of the woman in red heading towards them. Maine was wearing a two piece outfit that molded to her curves like latex. The top was off shoulder and reached her midriff exposing a hint of abdominal skin when she moves. The bottom was a midi pencil skirt that boasts a slit on the left thigh exposing her legs that could go on forever. She completed the outfit with a black stiletto. Her hair was untied and displayed in wild abandon.

Neither of the men were able to form a coherent thought after seeing Maine enter the kitchen. Maine had to actually snap her fingers twice to catch the men's attention once more.

"Who doesn't mind what" she asked once more.

"OH. I was just asking Richard here if he minded that we were going out tonight" Jason responded.

"I don't mind. I don't mind at all. Why should I? Miss Mendoza is free to do anything she wants on her free time. If she chose to go out on a date with a friend of mine, then that's her prerogative. I have no say in that matter" Richard rambled on, abruptly stopping when he realized what he was doing. So, to cover up for his ineptitude, he excused himself and was about to head to Bella's room when Maine stopped him in his tracks. She bent down to give his now sleeping daughter a kiss on the cheeks and Richard involuntarily inhaled her scent to which instantly gave him a fuckin boner! What the hell?!?

"Goodnight princess Bella. I'll see you in the morning" Maine whispered before straightening herself. She stepped back and without sparing Richard a glance, she walked towards the main elevators where Jason stood waiting.

"See you later man" Jason stated. Richard just waved his hand dismissively but quickly reminded Maine, "Miss Mendoza, do you have the key fob I gave you?"

"Yap. Got it! Goodnight Mr. Faulkerson" Maine answered enthusiastically. Once again, Richard gave a dismissive wave and soon after, the elevator doors closed leaving him alone with his daughter in his arms.

Once left alone, Richard readily admitted to himself that he is in fact jealous that Maine was going on a date with one of his closest friends. We've lived under one roof for two weeks now and not once did she mention this. Although he also admitted to himself that he had no business in her personal life. BUT HOLY SHIT! Why do I feel like I've been betrayed? Oh and why the hell do I always get a boner just by her mere scent?

Richard remained baffled with his feelings as he headed to Bella's room, his footsteps echoing in the empty space. Once inside Bella's room, he gently placed his daughter on her crib. He stood at the bedside for a few minutes, looking down at this tiny human being who has endured so much. Ever since she was conceived, nothing has gone right in her world. Her parents weren't mentally equipped to care for her so she was essentially abandoned, left her to virtual strangers. And yet she is such a blessing to everyone around her. Richard for one, will definitely miss her when she leaves this world. This world who was nothing but cruel to her. He gently caressed her hair once more before he quietly stepped out of her room.

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