50 and Counting

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I had fun writing this one. It is a mere continuation of the last chapter but the banter between the two was just too much fun. That is all. Enjoy!

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


Richard and Maine slumped down on the bed at the same time, both breathless, both covered in sweat and both wearing a huge grin on their faces.

"Well, that was aaahhhmmm 50?" Maine asked breathlessly.

"I counted 48" Richard answered, reaching for Maine to bring her closer.

"Nope. It was 50! Believe me, I was the one that felt it" Maine answered, wrapping her arms around Richard and inserting her leg in between his. "But Alden? Are we ever going to sleep tonight?" Maine asked suppressing a yawn.

"How am I suppose to give you 100 orgasms if we sleep?" Richard asked innocently but with a manly smirk. Yes, he's proud of himself. A lot proud because in the past 3 hours, he's given Maine 48, oh no wait, 50 orgasms! Yap, mighty proud. "I thought you were up for the challenge, love?"

"Alden! It's 3:45 in the morning. I should be sleeping. Aren't you tired? Jet Lag?" Maine mumbled sleepily.

"Nope! I feel great! In fact, I'm ready to go again" Richard teased but when he looked down, he saw that Maine could barely keep her eyes open anymore. "Ok. We'll continue this tomorrow, future Mrs. Faulkerson. Sleep" he conceded.

"You'll be here when I wake up, right" Maine murmured, tightening her hold on Richard.

"Love, where else would I be?" Richard answered back. He watched as Maine smiled before totally falling into a deep sleep. He kissed the top of her head as he too, closed his eyes and waited for sleep to come.


Maine woke up with the smell of bacon wafting through the open door of her bedroom. At first she wasn't sure where she was, then she heard the muted masculine voice coming from her kitchen, singing a familiar song. She turned her head to the side to check the time and sat up so suddenly when the clock read 10:30. But then she had to lie back down just as sudden because the world all of a sudden turned upside down. She got so dizzy and severe nausea took ahold of her system that she turned on her side for fear of throwing up on her pillow. That's when Richard found her.

"Whoa! Hey, hey, are you ok?"

"Do I look ok?" Maine blurted but then realized what she just did. So she back pedalled. "I'm sorry. No I'm not ok. And hey you're here" she added as an afterthought, placing her hand on Richard's cheek for confirmation.

Richard smiled in response.

"What can I do?"

"Can you just help me to the bathroom? I need to get ready. I'm late for work?"

"Wait, WHAAAT?!? You work on Saturdays too?" Richard asked with a thunderous expression. "Maine...."

"Wait. It's Saturday? Oh, right. Okay, then I don't need to go to work. But I still need to use the bathroom" Maine pleaded while trying to smile despite the nausea she's feeling.

Richard was on the verge of reprimanding Maine for overworking herself when he noticed how much Maine was struggling. Her face was almost green from trying so hard not to throw up. He bent down to pick her up and carried her carefully but slowly to the bathroom, trying really hard not to jostle her too much. In the bathroom, he lowered her so she can stand but once her feet touched the floor, she went down on her knees and promptly vomited into the toilet bowl.

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