Challenge Accepted

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Another update, YAY! Now we're starting to get to the good parts. Kidding. I love this chapter. I don't know why, but I just do. I hope you do too. 

Strong, suggestive and sexual language used. 


11:00 pm......

11:30 pm.......

12:00 am....... Where the fuck is she?

12:30 am...... FUCK! Richard kept staring at the bedside clock, watching the seconds tick by. He can't sleep. Actually he can't stay still. It's been 5 fuckin hours since they left! Richard was so tempted to send a text message to Jason but when it all comes down to it, he has no right. After all, he is just the employer. And today is her day off. Aaaaannnndddd, she is free to do what she wants with her free time!

12:45.....Dammit! Richard finally decided to get out of his bed, put on gym shorts and runners, grabbed the handheld monitor and headed to the gym, shirtless. There he poured out all his frustration!


Maine leaned on the elevator walls hanging on to the rails so as not to fall flat on her face. Jason was leaning on the other side of the elevator just looking at her ready to catch her if she falls. As the elevator rose to the penthouse, Maine knew that she had one too many shots tonight. She can handle her liquor but she hasn't had any alcohol in a while and that's probably why her world is spinning right now.

"Maine, are you okay" Jason asked for the 50th time.

"Yeah, I think so. I'm not sure" Maine answered with a laugh.

In no time, the elevators opened to the penthouse. Maine was about to take a step forward but the floor came closer and closer to her face and as she was about to connect, Jason's arm shot out and caught her just in time. That's the exact time that Richard came out from the hallway leading to the gym.


Richard was leaving the gym after a vigorous workout when he heard the elevators open. Thank the fuckin gods! It's about time she got home. Shit, I sound like her father! He hastened his steps with the intention of greeting the person coming out of the elevators BUT he was surprised with what greeted him instead. What the fuck are they doing?

"Ahem! What's the hell is going on here" were the first words that came out of Richard's mouth.

Maine and Jason both looked up with the sound of Richard's voice. Maine with an unfocused look on her face and Jason with a guilty one. Maine took a couple of tentative steps but why the hell is the floor moving? So she opted to sit her ass right there on the floor where she was standing.

"There! Take that floor!" Maine exclaimed with slurred speech. "Thank you for your assistance tonight Dr. Pineda. The operation was a success" she added with a giggle and an uncoordinated wave of her hands.

"Are you drunk? Pineda, is she drunk? What the hell man!" Richard stated while taking menacing steps towards Jason.

Jason placed his hands up as if fending off an attacker. Seeing the thunderous expression on his usually mild mannered friend was scaring the shit out of him.

"Whoa! Dude! Hold on a minute. What was I supposed to do?" Jason implored.

"You could've stopped her! Taken her home earlier than now!" Richard yelled.

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