Discover Me

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Let us all take a deep breath before reading this chapter. Don't blame me if you get breathless after! There! I have given you fair warning. Don't say I didn't 😜😜😜. Read on and enjoy. ✌🏻️

Warning Rated 18A: Strong, suggestive and mature language used.


There is a certain part in the human brain that actually stops us from making rash decisions. The part that screams the word THINK before you make a decision that you might regret for the rest of your life. There is also a part of the human brain that is responsible for our impulsiveness. The part that pushes harder when there's even an inkling of hesitation happening. That was the part that was more dominant for Maine, at this very moment.

Maine could see that Richard was ready to pounce. Like a predator waiting for his prey to make the wrong move. Challenging her to a fight that both may win or both may lose. And Maine never backs down from a challenge. Never!

So as clear as the expensive crystal vase in the living room, Maine stated.

"I called you an asshole." Then she felt herself being lifted off the ground and being dumped unceremoniously on the bed behind her. But she didn't just lie there! She scrambled to get up and quickly moved away from Richard, who by now was breathing erratically and a sheen of sweat was starting to form on his forehead coupled with an irritated look on his face.

"Asshole" she goaded one more time, emphasizing the syllables and making sure each letter was heard. She watched Richard climb on his bed, runners and all, and crawled towards her. If his face was irritated before, oh it was intense now. He was growling low in his throat. If Maine was listening to the rational part of her brain, she would've been scared shitless by now. But NOOOO! Instead, she was actually getting turned on, her pussy started throbbing and getting wet that she had to squeeze her legs together to ease the throbbing at the apex of her thighs. Whether she admits to it or not, Richard's growling was the switch to her libido. Right now, it's turned on and needed some relief.

Richard's vision dimmed as Maine mentioned 'asshole' slowly and deliberately. He was solely focused on the woman standing on the other side of his bed. He crawled slowly, purposely towards her; his muscles bunching with his every move. In all honesty, he was giving Maine the opportunity to run away, away from him, away to the safety of her room. But she didn't. He saw her throat move as Maine swallowed numerous times, just watching him. To Richard's utter surprise, she widened her legs as if to say 'I'm not moving' and started unbuttoning her top. Wait. What the fuck?!? Shit! Aaaand all his blood rushed south, giving him an instant aching boner. He sat back on his haunches and stayed very still, for fear that if he makes the wrong move, she might realize what she's doing and change her mind altogether.

Maine watched the look of surprise pass Richard's face coupled with him stopping his motions and just leaning back using his arms for support. She undid the second button of her top and raised one eyebrow for emphasis.

"One thing you don't know about me, Mr. Faulkerson, is that I never back down from a challenge." Maine stated huskily as she kept on undoing the buttons to her top.

Richard swallowed once, twice and cleared his throat for good measure before he finally spoke.

"Miss Mendoza, I would think twice before I would totally accept the challenge, if I were you. Once that top is off, all is fair game. I cannot guarantee that I won't loose control. So you better be sure before you make that next move" Richard responded threateningly.

"Which top? This top?" Maine innocently asked coupled with the batting of her eyelashes as she took her top off, leaving her in her lacy bra.

Richard hissed when Maine totally took her top off. What the fuck is wrong with this woman? Wait, scratch that! Fuck! I can't even think straight anymore.

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