A Father's Side

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This is a chapter solely focused on the relationship between father and daughter. I grew up without a father so this is my way of imparting my imagination of what a father should be. I know this chapter took a while to post but I hope it will be up to your liking. 

Strong and suggestive language used. 


Holy shit! I have never broken out into hives before! Never! She knows that and her father knows that! So is he implying something? Or is he fishing for information? Shit, shit, shit! Maine excused herself uncaring if her father heard her or not. She briskly walked to her room and went straight to her bathroom. She faced her mirror and yap, as clear as the light of day, her neck was covered with various red marks! Oh my god! He knows! Her father knows what exactly those red marks are. He is just trying to incriminate them by waiting for them to slip. Sly move Tatay! 

Richard watched with disbelief as Maine pretty much ran out of the living room and left him with her dad! What the fuck? They both just stood there, facing each other. Maine's father was giving him this measuring stare, meanwhile Richard was looking at everything except at the older man.

"So. How about that tour of your place" Teodoro asked as if the uncomfortable silence didn't just happen.

"Oh yes, of course sir" Richard mumbled as he took tentative steps leading away from the older man.

"Let's start with the bedrooms, yeah?"

Bedrooms? Why? Why is he interested in the bedrooms? Shit! Is that why Maine left?

"Uuuhhhh, sure! Sure, the bedrooms first" Richard replied, clearly puzzled. He was about to lead the way to the bedroom hallway when Maine popped out of nowhere.

"Where are you two going?"

"Uuhhhmm, to the bedrooms" Richard answered.

"What?!? Why?"

"Nicomaine. Don't be rude. Your boss here would like to give me a tour of his place. And we're starting with the bedrooms" Teodoro admonished with the most fake smile.

Maine looked at her father and realized he was doing this on purpose. Being difficult, being a child. Growing up, Maine had been a lot closer to her father than her mother. He was always the one she ran off to when she had problems. With school, with life in general and especially with boys. At one point, when she was about 16 and experienced her first broken heart, it was her father that comforted her; told her that boys are replaceable. That she shouldn't wallow in self pity because of one boy. He would be the one who would accompany her to any extracurricular activities she signed up for.

But then her sister got diagnosed with depression. That's when her relationship with her father had been put in the back burner because her sister needed both of their parents' attention. All their energy and time were poured onto finding the right facility, the right medication and the right doctor to care for her sister as she struggled with her depression.

However, when her father went looking for Maine in California, that's when she realized that her parents still care for her. After that, even if they only talked through the phone or video messages, Maine's relationship with her father was rekindled. So to say that she knows her father pretty well is an understatement.

As the trio stood there, Richard looking lost and confused, her father looking defiant and Maine looking like the parent, Bella's cry pierced the air. All three moved as if woken up from a trance. Maine instantly turned around to head to Bella's room but she was stopped by Richard's hand on her shoulder.

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