Devil's Advocate

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This is just a short update. I am home with a really bad case of laryngitis so since I couldn't talk, I thought I should write instead. I will post a longer one tomorrow, I swear.

When mental illness touches someone's life, there will definitely be lingering effects not only to the person affected but also to the people surrounding them. After reading this, reflect back and understand Richard's position. Don't hate me, okay?

Strong language used. Thank you.


If there was one thing that Richard learned about Maine is that she can switch topics at the drop of a hat. There he was, still floating from Maine's honest answer to his question, and BAM! He was dragged back down by the mention of her parents. Talk about whiplash!

"Huh? Wait, what? Uhhmm, pardon me?" Richard asked again in the hopes that he heard Maine wrong the first time.

Maine carefully watched Richard's facial expression while she gave her statement. She witnessed how his face changed from day dreaming soft to not negotiable stern. And she knew it was coming. In fact, she prepared a whole argument just for this sort of response.

"I said, I would like my parents and my niece to meet. To get to know each other" Maine expounded.

"That's what I thought" Richard mumbled.

Maine stepped back after that. When she decided to ask Richard for the chance of Bella and her parents meeting, she knew there was a slight (okay, maybe a lot) chance that he would say no. She anticipated that moment too but to actually witness it happening was something she didn't really prepare herself for. Why? Because she had hoped, no believed that Richard wouldn't be that selfish. Yes, she had prepared herself for an argument but she never thought she would get to use it. She had put a lot of faith in him saying 'yes, of course' right away, that watching him struggle with his answer brought a tremendous disappointment within her.

Richard couldn't answer right away. He knew that the right thing to do was to say yes. Honestly, he knew that but he wanted to be sure. He wanted very much to say yes but Dyann's deceit made him hold back. And top that off with Mr. Mendoza's left hook, well, who wouldn't hesitate. He looked at Maine and he could see the disbelief and perhaps hurt, clearly written on her face. In fact, she looked like she was on the verge of tears. Her one hand was gripping the edge of the kitchen counter and the other she placed on top of her left chest, where her heart is, as if pressing on it would stop it from breaking. However, Richard didn't become a successful businessman, at his young age, for nothing. He wanted to play the devil's advocate because come on, this was his daughter on the line.

"What makes you think I will say yes" he prompted.

Damn! This hurts! How could he do this?

"Because a sane and decent man would" Maine challenged.

"And you think I'm a sane and decent man?" Richard replied.

"I had hoped you would be. But it looks like I was wrong." Maine whispered wiping the first of many tears that spilled. She took a deep, shuddering breath, to steady her nerves.

"How can I be sure that you are not like your sister?" Richard asked. He was about to take everything back when he saw the hurt in Maine's eyes, to confess to her that he was just being an asshole but God forgive him, he's been burnt too many times by Dyann. He knew he was being unfair, but then again, this is Bella they're talking about.

"I can't believe this" Maine whispered, tears uncontrollably falling, as she reached inside her back pocket once more to retrieve another piece of paper. She unfolded and slammed it on the kitchen counter, in front of Richard.

"What's this?" Richard questioned.

"It's a money order. All of the payment you gave me for being Bella's nurse. Down to the last cent, Mr. Faulkerson. I am giving it all back." Maine stated.

"What? Why?" Well. That caught Richard off guard. What the hell?!?

"Because Bella is my niece! I refuse to be paid for taking care of my own flesh and blood." Maine answered, her voice an octave higher.
"Mr. Faulkerson! I have as much right to her as you do. You and I have the same right to Bella. The only difference is that your name is written on her birth certificate" Maine expressed in between her sobs.

"And you know for a fact that is enough, don't you?" Richard retorted.

Maine had never been betrayed before. She had never experienced the hurt and the pain that goes with it. Well, now she does. Now, she knows.

"Mr. Faulkerson. I know that my sister had put you and your family through so much. But what I think you fail to understand is that she was sick. She wasn't in her right frame of mind. She was struggling with her inner demons. I'm not making any excuses for her actions because I didn't know what was going through her mind when she did what she did. However, this I know for sure. She walked away because it was the only way she knew how. Bella was better off without her. And it's not fair for you to punish me and my parents because we didn't know. We would've been right there, with every struggle, if we knew about Bella. We already lost my sister because of her illness, don't let us lose Bella too without getting to know her. Give my parents the right to be grandparents even if it's just for a short time" Maine implored.

Richard was about to stand up and take Maine into his arms so badly but he hesitated, just for a minute. However, that minute hesitation was enough for Maine. She turned her back and walked away, towards her old room. But before she reached the entrance to the hallway, she turned around and faced Richard once more.

"Mr. Faulkerson. I want you to know, I will fight you, in court if need be, for the right to be with Bella. I will fight you, mark my words" she threatened before she totally walked away.

Richard watched as Maine disappeared into the hallway. What the fuck have I just done? Dear god, Richard, less than 10 minutes ago, you were just thinking that you want that woman in your life. And now what? You're just going to let her walk away! Wake up asshole!

And just like an invisible hand pushed him, Richard stood up and ran after Maine's retreating back!

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