Misplaced Jealousy

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Well then! I think I must've opened the floodgates when I introduced the kissing scene between the two. However, we all know that Maine needs a little more push to cross the invisible line. So below is as such. Hope you like this chapter.

Strong, suggestive and sexual language used. Thank you!


Maine sat down on the side of her bed and began eating the soup that Richard brought in, not noticing the idiotic smile that slowly started forming on her lips. She might admit it or she might not, but she actually feels a little impressed and a lot touched because of Richard's gesture. No one has ever done something like this for her. Her parents maybe, but that was when she was still a kid and she was sick at that time. Never in her adult life, did anyone thought of her needs and actually did something about it.

But Richard did, didn't he? He didn't have to because seriously, I'm just his daughter's nurse, and pretty much a freeloader in his house, but he did. Without prompting, without malice, without any expectations of reciprocation. Well, there was that kiss, (again) BUT, he didn't do that without my permission. I met him head on and the resulting crash was good. No, great. Oh what the fuck, yeah it was AWESOME!

Maine finished the soup and actually felt a lot better but she took two tablets of the pain reliever anyway, for good measure. She drank the whole bottle of water in one go quenching her thirst, and then gave out a loud burp after. As she looked down on the empty bowl and bottle, she realized that she needed to clean up. For a minute, she contemplated on remaining inside her bedroom but the sane part of her took over. She can't possibly stay in there for the whole weekend now, can she? Ugh! Okay, time to face the music. So, she picked up the tray with the empty containers and headed out towards the living area.

Maine emerged from the bedroom hallway and instantly spotted the mysterious female sitting on the bar stools by the kitchen counter, fiddling with her phone. Maine looked around for Richard and Bella but they were nowhere to be found. That asshole! He had the nerve to kiss me while his other woman was in the same roof? OH my dear Maine. So gullible! So fuckin gullible! She mentally kicked herself for her stupidity and she was about to retreat back into her bedroom when the other woman looked up and spotted her. SHIT! Too late! Press on Maine, press on!

Maine moved forward towards the kitchen feeling like an inmate heading towards her inquisition. The other woman was just staring at her as the distance between them became shorter and shorter. Maine, for her part, didn't back down either. She looked at the other woman, as much as the other woman looked at her, taking her in like an opponent taking in the competition. First thing Maine noticed was how stunning the other woman was. Her complexion fair and flawless. Her eyes deep brown almost black and very expressive. Her face was perfect even without obvious makeup. And her hair, the color of midnight, cascaded down her shoulders. Maine swallowed once, twice considering her opponent. WHOA! Really Maine? Opponent? When did that happen? What competition is this? And much to her surprise, the other woman smiled. It wasn't the 'I'll eat you alive' smile but it was actually a friendly, welcoming one. That took Maine by surprise that she placed the tray in her hand on the kitchen counter, a little too loud.

"Hi! You must be Miss Mendoza. I've heard so much about you" the other woman stated, a little bit too cheery for Maine's taste.

Yeah, I bet you did. What? Like when you and that asshole share a glass of wine and talk about your servants. Or laugh about them even. Of how stupid and gullible some people are. Of how he kissed me and I kissed him right back! Huh? HUH?

"Oh yes. That would be me. Miss Mendoza at your service" Maine answered, her words dripping with sarcasm. But the other woman remained friendly and unaffected.

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