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Let's just leave the title to speak for itself. No explanations necessary. Let's just say, I will never look at the bench press section of the gym the same way again. Enjoy!

Warning: rated 18A for suggestive and sexual content. Thank you!


Richard stepped off the elevator with one goal in mind: to make the woman in his arms scream for mercy or ecstasy. Either way, he's sure he'll have fun bringing her to that point. As soon as the elevator doors closed, he turned around to the control panel beside the elevator and overrode all access to his penthouse. This means that even if the person has a fob to the elevator, they won't be able to access his unit until he cancels the override. This also means that he will have all the uninterrupted time in the world to make Maine beg for release and/or mercy. The mere thought actually brought an evil smile to his face to which Maine noticed.

"Alden? Love?" Maine tentatively asked. However, Richard just looked at her from the corner of his eyes, without saying a word, but his strides were purposeful and heading towards the gym.

"Ahhhmmm. Alden? Where are we going?" Maine asked timidly, her voice squeaking.

"I told you Miss Mendoza, I'm in the mood for giving out some punishment. Guess who the recipient would be?" Richard asked rhetorically.

"Me?" Maine answered in a small voice.

"Bingo!" Richard exclaimed.

"Love? Alden, my love?" Maine tried.

"Not going to work, Miss Mendoza. So save the sweet voice. And stop giving me the lip cause you just might regret it" Richard warned, his voice low.

"But, I love you" Maine stated in a singsong voice while placing lingering kisses to Richard's jaw.

"And I love you too" Richard answered, bending down to place Maine on the bench press area. He went about placing Maine's legs on both sides of the bench making sure her feet were flat on the floor.

Maine watched silently as Richard place her on the bench on a straddled position. Each time he touched her legs, he didn't just touch. He caressed them. No, not caressed, he fondled them. He took his time with each leg, making sure she kept them wide apart and that she was sitting right on the edge of the bench. He followed that by slowly removing her hoodie, leaving her in her bathing suit. Once again, he fondled the skin that he exposed but he made sure he didn't touch her on her erogenous spots. Does he not see? My fuckin nipples are as hard as marbles. Shit! I wonder if they'll fall off from the lack of bloodflow! Gaaaahh!  What Richard was doing was such a turn on but quite frankly, it was also making her very nervous. First of all, yes, she knows that whatever it was he was planning, it will be for both their pleasure. She can tell by the tell tale bulge on his crotch. Second, she wasn't protesting because she knows that she was in the wrong earlier by jumping to conclusions without asking him first. And third, she's just plain curious. But, damn it! I've never had any experience in this department so yeah, I have the right to be nervous!

"Lie down" Richard brusquely commanded while standing up and divesting himself of his hoodie.

Maine couldn't help the gasp of surprise and pleasure that escaped her lips when Richard's upper body was exposed. It will never get old. She knows that now. Seeing him half naked will always, always make her heartbeat double and her breath skip, so much so that she's sure she can reach orgasm just by looking at him. Hhhhmmm really, Maine? Really?

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