Intent and Purpose

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After that kiss, now what?

Strong, suggestive and sexual language used herein. 


Maine woke up to a distant feminine laughter. What the?!? Who is that? She glanced at her bedside clock to see 11:30 am on it. She languidly stretched her body and then the time registered on her sleep befuddled brain. Holy shit! What? Oh my god? I slept till 11:30? She remembered coming home around 1:00 am last night or make that early this morning. Jason took her to Chaos after dinner and there they danced the night away. She might have had a little bit too much to drink judging from the pounding of a jackhammer at the back of her head. She got out of bed and gingerly took the needed steps to get her to the bathroom; each step vibrating back to her head making her nauseated. Yap, classic hangover! Shit!

In the middle of her agonizing walk, she realized that she was still wearing her outfit from last night. And just like the floodgates have been opened, memories from last night came crashing down, smacking her right in the face. OH MY GOD! Oh my god! Oh my god! OH MY GOD! What the fuck have I done? Oh my god! She stood in the middle of her bedroom, reliving every single detail of the events from last night. Down to the details of the kiss! The kiss that she shared with her boss, her nemesis. The kiss that up until now is making her breathing and heartbeat accelerate, her knees weak.

Maine couldn't escape the moan that came from her mouth. She wasn't sure if that moan was because of the memory of the kiss or because she felt like she was about to throw up. She estimated the distance from where she was standing, to the bathroom and the resulting headache after, but her stomach churned once more so she ran the remaining distance and got to the toilet just in time.

After she felt like she emptied all the contents of her stomach, she slowly stood up, peeled last night's outfit from her body and stepped into the shower. Maine took a 10 minute cold shower letting the water soothe her head.She quickly brushed her teeth and tied her hair in a messy bun after.  As she stepped out of her bathroom, she heard Bella crying. She hurriedly dried herself, but when she was buttoning her sundress, she heard an unfamiliar feminine voice right outside her door.

"Is she okay?" the voice asked. Maine heard Richard's voice respond but muffled probably because he's inside Bella's room and the mysterious female voice seemed to be standing right outside her door. Who the hell is that woman? Really Richard? She's probably one of your many conquests, isn't she? At 11:30 in the morning? Seriously?!? Well what's it to you Maine? Just because you exchanged spit with him last night doesn't mean you have a claim on him.

That's when Maine realized the position she placed herself in. First of all, she called him an 'asshole' numerous times, and the saddest part of that was, she only meant half of it. Sure, she used to think of him as such but watching him be a devoted father to Bella might be changing her perception of him. Second, she must have hit him a hundred times that she's sure it left a mark on his shoulder. Dear god, he could sue me for physical abuse. But his shoulders and biceps were just so temptingly good that if she didn't hit him, she probably would've licked him instead. Whoa! Where did that come from? Lastly, she let him kiss her. Oh wait! She didn't only let him kiss her, but she kissed him back! Talk about a facepalm moment. But seriously! That kiss though!

Maine isn't a newbie when it comes to kissing. She has had her fair share of kissers; some downright atrocious and others mediocre at the most. But the kiss last night? Wow! Just plain wow! Up till now, she gets breathless just by thinking about it. Well stick a fork in me because I'm done! What's the point of living if I've already died! From humiliation! Ugh!

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