Initial Encounter

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Please bear in mind, this is a work of fiction. The places and phone numbers are purely out of my imagination. There is no basis to any of them. Thank you.


The hunt for a decent, well paying job has been hell for Maine these last couple of days. She was online searching pretty much by the time she woke up till the wee hours of the next morning but so far no luck. It's not that she's picky on what type of a job she wants but she would also like the job to have some additional medical benefits that included her family. What else is the point of her staying in the Philippines for good if she's not going to look after her family. Her parents are the only family she's got left.

Maine decided to start looking for a job not because they badly needed money. No, far from that. She has enough savings that would probably make their lives comfortable for the next 2 years. Besides, her parents with her financial help 3 years ago, bought a restaurant franchise which they now own and manage. The restaurant is thriving and her parents are considering another branch. It was a relief to Maine to see her parents busy with their business so they have something to keep their minds and energy occupied rather than being at home.

And another thing, when she decided to come back home, she had to withdraw her retirement savings (or what they refer to in the US as 401K) to which she had a substantial contribution. She started to look for a job because, quite frankly, she's just plain bored. Within the last seven years, she had established a routine of work, home, gym and repeat. Once in a while, she would go out to a bar or a club with some of her work friends but those days are few and far between. No wonder she had accumulated more than enough savings.

"MENGGAY, Tatay and I are leaving. You sure you don't want to come?"

"No Nanay. Thank you. I have to find a job. Maybe next time."

"Okay. Call us if you want us to bring you something."


As soon as her parents left to have lunch with some of their family friends, Maine went back to searching. She spent another hour browsing through job ads and she was about to give up for the day when she came across something that caught her eye.

WANTED: Registered Pediatric Nurse

HOURS: Monday- Friday from 0800-1700 with additional overtime hours

LOCATION: Near St. Luke's Medical Center. Exact address to be provided once hired.

WAGE: To be discussed.

RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES: To be able to care for a child diagnosed with Gaucher Disease. Extensive pharmaceutical knowledge a must.

If interested, please send your resume to

Wait. What?!? Did I read that right? What are the chances that this person is THE Richard Faulkerson Jr.? Or perhaps related to him.

The ad was straightforward although a little vague. Admittedly, Maine was a little intrigued and a lot interested in the job itself but the email address attached to the ad was what made Maine take notice. When they received that card from 'he who she dare not name', she searched that name on all the social media sites but she was unsuccessful. It seemed like this particular person lived a very private life or perhaps he lived under a rock. Seriously, who in this world, does not have any, at least one, social media account? Well he does. The only link she's ever come across was Faulkerson Industries with the CEO listed as Richard Faulkerson Sr. So, she had given up. But the fates must've felt sorry for her because here is an opportunity that presented itself. Should I dare take it?

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