Not My Sister

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If you guys felt that I left you hanging with the last chapter, well, you're right 😜. I usually end my chapters with 'cliffhangers' and I hope everyone is used to it by now. Anyway, here's another one! I couldn't sleep, so I ended up writing another chapter instead. Bonus!

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


"What the heck is all this ruckus about?" Richard stated as he came out of the hallway carrying Bella in his arms. "Whoa! Is there a family reunion I didn't know about?" He added spotting Christine beside his father. "Seriously, are the rest of the clan hiding somewhere?" He asked again.

For the first time since he walked into the living room though, he noticed his sister making wild gestures with her hand. What the hell is she up to? He was about to ask when his father's voice filled the silence.

"That woman is Dyann's sister?" Richard Sr. asked in his most intimidating voice. The voice that he usually used when they were younger to warn his children that hell was about to break loose. It worked everytime. However, not this time apparently.

"DAD! Her name is Maine!" Richard answered back, this time with his most intimidating voice as well. "I will not tolerate you referring to her as 'that woman'. Once again, her name is Maine."

Richard Sr. was rendered speechless for the first time in his adult years, and by his son nonetheless. Honestly, he didn't know what to say after that. He felt like he was slapped by an unknown force and his cheeks were still stinging from it.

"Son. What the fuck were you thinking?"

"Dad! Language please! Not in front of your granddaughter" Richard retorted calmly, not a sign of irritation coming from him. Unlike his dad, who looked like a fish out of water. His mouth opening and closing. Yet no words were coming out.

Christine, meanwhile, was just seating on one of the bar stools, her head looking like a tennis ball, being bounced from one opponent to another. On one side, she could see the vexation oozing from her father, and on the other side, she could see the determination clearly stamped on her brother's face. This would be so interesting to watch if Bella wasn't here and Maine wasn't the topic.

"Richard Reyes Faulkerson Jr, have you not learned your lesson? Didn't Dyann do enough damage to our family that you have to bring her sister in again? I can't believe this? I thought you were a smart man. I, we, your mother and I, didn't raise you to be a doormat! What is she to you? Huh? ANSWER ME! WHAT IS MAINE TO YOU?"

Richard waited till his father was done with his tirade before he looked to Christine and asked.

"Christine. Do you mind taking Bella upstairs for a few minutes, please."

"Yes, of course." Christine hurriedly picked Bella up and quickly disappeared into the back of the house, heading to the stairs leading to the pool area.

Richard waited till Christine disappeared from his sight before he turned to his father again. Calmly, he started talking.

"Dad. I am well aware of what Dyann did. For fucks sake, I received the brunt of it, remember? I will not defend Dyann because she is already dead. Yes, she is. She killed herself. You didn't know that did you?" Richard asked his father rhetorically upon seeing the shocked expression on his face."I am also well aware that Maine is Dyann's sister. However, she is not Dyann. I've already made the mistake of comparing her to her sister. I will never do that again. No Dad. Let me finish" he raised his hand up, palm out to stop his father from interrupting, "Maine has proven time and time again that she is not Dyann. I know that this might seem weird to you but, with all due respect Dad, she is a part of my life, an important part. I love her, with all of my heart. I ask that you respect that even if you can't accept it." Richard finished with much sincerity.

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