Missing You

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Didn't I say 'Trust Me'? And y'all did. Thank you! For that, here's for you! Yes, you! Enjoy! Happy 18th Monthsary!

Warning: Strong, suggestive and sexual language in the end. Thank you! Unedited! Did it during night shift!


Maine unlocked her apartment door and dragged her weary body inside. She automatically glanced at the clock on the wall to see it to be at 10:00 pm, again. She didn't bother turning on the lights because what was the point really? There was nobody else. She's been by herself for the past month. She headed to her bedroom and started stripping off her clothes. Once in her underwear, her hands automatically went to her tiny pregnancy bump. This had been her habit. To feel her baby bump gives her the much needed comfort she needed.

It's been three weeks, 6 days and 22 hours since she left Philippines. It's been that long since Richard dropped her off at the airport and silently watched her as she walked through the gates of the international departure area. It's been that fuckin long since she's seen his face, felt his touch and heard his voice. They have been sending text messages back and forth and only text messages. Maine would like to think it was because of the time difference but deep inside, she knows better. In the first couple of weeks, he tried to reach her but she wouldn't see his missed calls until a few hours later because of the demands of her job. She also tried calling him back when she got home but then he wouldn't pick up either because it's either his busy with meetings or that he's out of range. What bothers her, although she dared not admit it to herself, is that why wasn't Richard putting more effort in contacting her. Her parents seem able to contact her just fine. Even Christine was able to get a hold of her even if it was the wee hours of the morning. Maine tried not to ask the younger woman what her older brother was up to and Christine sensing the tension between the two, didn't bother volunteering any information either! Ugh! It's frustrating as hell! And Maine for her part (and a whole lot of pride), felt like she didn't want to impose herself on Richard since she was the one that left him behind.

So, by unspoken agreement, Richard and Maine opted to stick with text messages. But Maine noticed in the last week that their text messages were becoming more and more scarce. Is this the penance I have to pay for taking this so called dream job. What have I done?

Maine slumped herself down on her bed, curling herself around her baby bump and then she cried. Like she does every single night. She would sometimes cry herself to sleep. Oh, pathetic, little Maine. You chose this! You decided this! And now, you're lying here, feeling sorry for yourself? What a joke.


Richard didn't stop her when she told him of this job opportunity. If he did, she probably would've gone anyway. That's just her nature. Richard had asked her if this is what she really wanted to do and her response was....

"Alden, I can't not work. I have been working for god knows how long and I can't just not work. Bella is gone. I have nothing to occupy my time. I need to do this."

"What about us? What about our baby?" Was all Richard could say, sounding like a child, because at that very moment, he really couldn't think of any jobs to offer Maine just so she wouldn't leave. The thing is, he himself had been working for most of his adult life. Without his work and their company, he wouldn't know what else to do either. So he gets it! He really does! But, fuck it all, we just got engaged and we're having a baby! Why can't she stay for those?

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