Slip of the Tongue

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Once more! No need for description on this one. Just heed the warning!

Warning: Rated 18A for the strong, suggestive and sexual language. Thank you!


Maine awoke to the sound of Bella crying in the background. She was about to stand up and see to her niece but then she heard Richard's voice talking to Bella through the hand held monitor on the bedside table.

"Hold on. Daddy just needs to wipe a little bit more of your stinky poo and then were done. Be patient princess. Daddy is almost done."

Bella calmed down a little after that. Maine could only hear whimpers and hiccups coming from the little girl. Then she heard Richard talking again.

"Okay, princess. Let's change your sleepshirt. There you go. Yap, put your hands through here and voila! See we're done. Easy as pie. Now you smell fresh again. No more stinky princess. Come here."

Richard kept on with his monologue after that and Maine could just see him sitting down on the rocker and rocking his daughter back to sleep, while singing a lullaby. Maine had to smile at that. Richard, for being a formidable businessman, is a softie at heart. She has been a witness to his caring side whenever he takes care of his daughter. The softness in his smile, the gentleness in his hands and the tenderness in his voice would be enough to make her weak in the knees. She glanced at the bedside clock to notice the time to be 3:30 in the morning. Richard's deep baritone singing a lullaby was enough to lull Maine back to sleep as well, with a contented smile on her face.


Richard walked back into his bedroom and saw Maine was still sleeping, curled up on her left side. He took his pyjama bottom off and went back to bed as well, lying down behind Maine and pulling her body close to his, curling himself around her in a spooning position. He placed soft kisses on her shoulder and was about to settle himself to sleep when he felt Maine wriggle her ass closer to his groin. Well that single motion, may it be intentional or not, was enough to make his cock stand up in attention. AGAIN! Richard remained very still for fear of waking up the woman in his arms but then she did it again. She wriggled her ass again and this time accompanied by a seductive moan. Is she doing this on purpose? Is she awake or is she still sleeping? Richard leaned forward to have a better view of Maine's face and from what he can see, she was still sleeping. Her eyes were closed and her breathing even. He leaned back but then he heard Maine speak.

"Mr. Faulkerson. What does a woman need to do to get some lovin around here?"

Richard exploded in laughter after that. He couldn't help himself. He wasn't really sure if he was laughing because of happiness or because of the unexpectedness of Maine. She leaves me guessing. Everytime! Much to his surprise, Maine lifted her right leg up and looped it around his thigh. Leaving her pussy fully exposed and fully open. All he needed to do was insert his cock home. But still he hesitated.

"Love, are you sure?"

"Uhhhmmm, isn't my fully open pussy answer enough?" Maine answered albeit a little irritated.

And that was enough. Enough for Richard to insert his cock into her waiting tightness and surprisingly enough, very wet pussy. This time though, he took his time. He pumped into her leisurely, like they had all the time in the world. And for that particular moment, they did. He wasn't in a rush. He placed his hand around her and played with her clit while the other arm under her played with her nipples. He topped it off by his mouth on her neck, alternating sucking and licking.

Maine might have bitten more than she can chew. When she offered herself to Richard so boldly, she thought he would accept the invitation and just as enthusiastically fuck her to oblivion but noooo! He was taking his time. Making her feel all these sensations all at once. His thumb on her clit, his fingers playing with her nipples, his lips on her neck and his cock. Gaaaahhhh, his cock. Making torturous slow movements in and agonizingly slow out. Initially she wanted it rough but this gentleness was actually enough to bring her to another orgasm. The orgasm was so unexpected that she ended up biting his arm to muffle her scream. The arm she's using as a pillow. The arm whose fingers are pulling and pinching on her nipples. And yet, he didn't waver. He kept up with his slow movements, but this time he whispered in her ear.

"Give me one more love. Cum for me once more" he commanded in a guttural tone that Maine's body instantly reacted and another climax gripped her body once more. She badly wanted to move faster, to make him loose control once more but he had her caged down with his right leg and his arms around her. In fact he actually stopped moving when she was riding her orgasm. The bastard! He's enjoying every minute of this.

Maine came down from her climax, her body spasming from ecstacy, her breathing erratic. Then Richard started moving again. Fuck! He's not done!

"Fuuuccckkk! You are so tight! Did you know that you have the most exquisite face when you cum" he asked rhetorically. Unexpectedly, he bit Maine's earlobe and whispered once more. "Give me one more. I want to feel you cum again. I want to feel you squeeze my cock once more" he directed. He put more pressure on Maine's clit with the pad of his thumb, making sure to move it in a circular motion, bringing Maine to another orgasm. "Yes. That's right love. Squeeze me tight. Cum for me" he encouraged.

Maine had totally lost control of her own body. That's the only explanation she can give right at this moment. Her own body responding to Richard's command. One word from him and it responds like a guitar string being played. But as much as she resented her own body right now, she was also still recovering from the three orgasms in a row. WOW!

Richard patiently waited till Maine came down from her third orgasm, her body shaking and her pussy oh so tight. He remained unmoving, his cock at the point of exploding from her tightness and repetitive squeezing motion of her walls. He remained very still, teeth gritted and muscles bunched. And when he was sure that Maine was on her last spasms, he lifted her right leg up, opening her down there and pistoned his hips inside of her, without preamble, without mercy. Maine came a couple more times after that, unsure when the last orgasm ended and the next one began. She was, by this time, mindless and her body pliant. She was actually begging.

"Alden, love, enough! Oh god, enough! Please oh god, I can't take anymore. Fuuuccckkkk! Fuck, fuck, fuck" Maine gasped as she came once more! This time, Richard joined her. He pumped his cock dry inside of her. Painting her walls with his essence. Joining her in her scream of ecstacy. Together they reached the precipice of heaven, and together they floated back down to earth.

As their breathing returned to normal, Richard pulled Maine closer to him, wrapping her in his sweaty arms, placing kisses on her shoulder. As much as he knew it made Maine uncomfortable, he just had to say it again.

"I love you, Maine" he whispered against her shoulder and in response Maine kissed his arm and their joined hands. For Richard that was enough. Because, it might have been just an accident, or a slip of the tongue, but Richard heard it. He heard Maine call him 'love'. He slept after that with a smile on his face and the woman he loves in his arms.


Maine and Richard were woken up by someone in the house yelling out in earnest.

"AAARRRRJJJJJAAAAYYYY" said a man's voice and it was getting closer. Maine sat up, disoriented and moved fast enough to cover herself with the top sheet before an irritated man appeared in Richard's bedroom doorway.

"RJ! Oh shit" the man exclaimed seeing Maine, as he quickly turned around.

Richard slowly sat up on the bed, pulled Maine closer to him, kissed her on the lips as if nothing untoward was happening. As if a stranger didn't just invade their privacy.

"RJ" the man stated again, this time his voice a little lower.

"Hello to you too, Dad." Richard responded casually.

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