Questions Answered

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I apologize for the tears and the heartbreak of the last chapter. Believe me, it was hard for me to write that as well. However, it was bound to happen. We all knew that, right? Anyways, this chapter is a follow up to the last. There were a few comments asking some questions and I hope that those questions will be answered with this one. This is not so much of a tear jerker compared to the last one but it's still heartwrenching. Enjoy!

PS: I swear to update the other story soon as well. Thank you!


There were no words said after that. Maine, Maryann and Teodoro clung to each other on the floor, garnering strength from each other. Willing each other to continue on with what they have. Maine felt her parents' pain. Thousands of questions were popping into her head and she could only imagine what her father must be thinking right now. However, these questions can wait because Maine could feel that her parents were barely holding it together.

Richard remained seated on one of the chairs, watching the Mendoza family from afar. Watching them struggle with the revelation. Yes, that's the word. They struggled... but they struggled as a family. That's when he realized what his own family had been missing since the death of his mother. Looking back, eversince his mother died, the sound of laughter and the show of affection between him, his father and his siblings have diminished to nothing. Even after Daniel's death, they each grieved on their own. Yes, they were all living in the same roof back then but they all grieved independently, keeping the pain internally. Dyann must've felt right at home then, with all her depression and guilt.

After a long while, Maine was the first to move. She looked up and noticed Richard, sitting alone on the chair, looking like he's deep in thought. So, after placing kisses on both of her parents cheeks, she stood up and approached Richard quietly. She reached out to touch his cheek with her hand and when he looked her way, she gingerly sat herself on his lap. He was a little hesitant at first but when Maine curled herself around him, placing her arms around his waist and her head on his shoulders, he automatically wrapped his arms around her. Maine let out a sigh of relief and looked up at him to receive his gentle kiss on the lips.

Maryann and Teodoro stood up from the floor and they walked to the other set of chairs on the opposite side of the room. Maryann was about to sit down but Teodoro lifted one of the chairs and brought it at the crib side. He sat down after and just watched Bella quietly.

The other three adults in the room was speechless at first, but they all exchanged meaningful glances. It was Maryann that smiled first, amidst her tears, followed by the other two. Not one person spoke, but the beginning of something good lingered in the air. They stayed quiet until Teodoro spoke softly.

"Mr. Faulkerson?"

"Yes, sir?"

"What made you believe that Bella was yours?"

"Uhhhmmm, sir. When my brother died, I sort of resorted to alcohol to forget my grief. I'm not proud of it sir. There were times that I would black out and not remember one day from the next. So I thought maybe I did sleep with Dyann during those times. I'm sorry sir." Richard responded.

"When did you find out that Bella wasn't yours?"

"When she was diagnosed with Gaucher Disease, my friend, who specializes in pediatric neurological disorders suggested that Dyann and I get tested for the enzyme so that we would know in the future if we plan on having other kids. That's when Dyann told me the truth about Bella's parentage. All along I thought she was mine. Her birth certificate contains my name sir."

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