Girl Interrupted

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Here ya go! Another chapter for everyone. We are definitely getting closer to the end. Let's just enjoy it while it lasts, I suppose.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


Richard and Maine fed each other breakfast (that turned cold because of their other activities in the shower), laughing the whole time because of their silliness. Like little kids whose parents left them alone for a bit. It was refreshing on both their parts. Maine, who had been busy with work since she came to California, because she was trying to make a good impression, that she couldn't even find time for herself. And Richard, who had been busy with his company, trying to catch up with all the deals that were put on hold due to Bella's death. So, to be able to laugh at such simple things was a relief for both of them.

Maine cleaned up the dining table as soon they finished breakfast. Richard remained seated, drinking his coffee and watching Maine move around the kitchen, with a grin on his face. That's how Maine caught him.

"What?" Maine asked feeling a little self conscious. Really, Maine? You feel self conscious now?

"Nothing. I'm just thinking how lucky I am to have such a gorgeous future wife" Richard answered with a smile.

"Ahhhmmm, like you said before, flattery will get you nowhere love." Maine responded while moving closer to sit on Richard's lap.

"Hhhhmmm. I could get used to this" he remarked.

"Get used to what?" Maine asked as she started placing soft butterfly kisses on Richard's jaw.

"To this clingy Nicomaine. If this is what pregnancy does to you, then I should get you pregnant all the time" Richard replied which earned him a soft bite on his ear. A bite that went straight to his groin. Damn insatiable cock!

"I just miss you so damn much! So if I were you, I would enjoy it while it lasts" Maine jokingly stated. But it seemed like the joke was on her because she suddenly felt Richard stiffen. "I guess that's still a sore subject for you" she added as she placed her head on his chest to listen to the beat of his heart.

"Well, we do need to talk about it. It's obvious that you're as miserable as I am when we're miles apart so why are we torturing ourselves."

A long stretch of silence.....

"Is that why you came Alden. To lecture me about my decision again?"

"NO! No love. I came to try and convince you to come home with me. I swore to God the night we got engaged, that I will take care of you and our future children but how can I do that when you're here and I'm back home. You know I can't leave the company just like that. Dad is practically retired although he still refuses to relinquish the CEO title. And I do undertand your passion for your job. I have the same. I just hate the distance" Richard explained. He waited for Maine to say something but when she remained quiet, he continued. "So, I have a proposition for you." Well, that last statement caught Maine's attention. She lifted her head up and looked at him with a questioning expression.

"And what is it, pray tell?"

"I would like you to take over the Bella Foundation..."


"Listen to me first. Jason had been leading the foundation for the last year and a half. However, this year, he received a temporary job offer from Germany to lead a group of Pediatrician and Neonatologists to do some type of research. So he reluctantly gave his resignation. I was going to give the position to one of the other doctors but then I got to thinking. Why not you? You are passionate about your job and you have first hand experience with Bella as well as Gaucher Disease. You are the perfect candidate to take over the lead. Now, the question is, will you?" Richard asked while keeping his fingers crossed. Because honestly, Maine can be as unpredictable as the weather.

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