To Hell?

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Again, please bear in mind that this is a work of fiction. Everything came straight out of my imagination. I apologize if there are inaccuracies. I am writing about a place I am not familiar with although I tried to use actual places. There are embellishments and exaggerations around the actual places for the purpose of the story.

Strong language used herein.


Maine woke up that morning way before her alarm sounded. She couldn't sleep the night before. She tossed and turned until 3:00 in the morning and finally her body gave in to exhaustion. But 2 hours later, she was wide awake again. So she put on her running gear and headed out for a morning run.

Two hours after that, she's standing in front of the bathroom mirror putting the finishing touches to her makeup. She took extra time and effort to look her best for this interview. Honestly speaking, she was more nervous of meeting him in person than the actual interview itself. Even if she doesn't get the job, it would still be a win for her because she would have some information regarding this certain Richard Faulkerson Jr. She would have the hardest part of her plan done. That is, to meet him in person.

When she received his text message the night before, she googled the address right away, of course. From what she had gathered, it's an office high rise, right smack in the middle of Makati, called Zuellig Building. The specific location is on the 20th floor and the owner registered to Faulkerson Industries.

Throughout the night, Maine's conscience almost got the best of her. She had almost (keyword almost), cancelled the whole interview altogether. She was so close to calling everything off. Her well laid out plans almost flushed down the drain. But then, she felt the ache in her heart. The sound of silence coming from the room next to hers was deafening, echoed by the emptiness she felt in her heart. So she steeled herself and hardened her resolve. She wasn't there when her sister needed her, this is the least she can do and probably to assuage the gnawing guilt inside of her as well. 

This morning, Maine had to ask her father to drive her since she wasn't really adept in moving around Manila just yet, let alone drive herself. Teodoro, learning that his daughter was going for a job interview today was more than happy to be the chauffeur. He had noticed in the last couple of weeks how Maine had tried to keep herself busy by helping around the house and the restaurant but he would sometimes catch her staring into space. So, it was a relief for him and his wife to hear that she had landed a job interview.

"Meng anak, are you ready. We should get going now because I'm not too sure how traffic will be. I don't want you to be late" Teodoro called from downstairs.

"Coming, Tatay" Maine yelled back. With one last look in the mirror, she slung her bag on her shoulder and stepped out of her room. As she passed by Dyann's old room, she paused and whispered "wish me luck, Ate" before she continued down the stairs.


Teodoro whistled as he pulled up in front of the Zeullig Building at 10:10 am. Father and daughter looked at each other, both clearly impressed, before Maine attempted to step out of the car.

"Anak, what exactly is this interview about?"

"The ad was looking for an experienced pediatric nurse, Tay. I sent my resume and the person who placed the ad liked what he saw. So then here we are" Maine explained.

"This doesn't look like a hospital. It's a business building." Theodore suspiciously mumbled.

"As far as I know, the person who posted the ad sent me this address and the exact location is on the 20th floor. This is just for the interview. And the job was for a private nurse not a hospital one" Maine answered while looking up at the intimidating structure.

"Will you be okay by yourself or do you want me to come with you?" Teodoro asked his daughter.

"Tatay, I'll be fine. I'll call you when I'm done. Is that ok" Maine asked her father.

Teodoro just looked at his daughter with a concerned look on his face. When Maine couldn't take the scrutiny anymore, she stepped out of the car. Her father did the same and again father and daughter looked at each other over the roof of the car.

"You know, you're sister used to work 5 buildings away from here. I used to drop her off there too" Teodoro stated with a hitch in his voice, clearly recalling his oldest daughter.

"Tatay, I miss her too" Maine said in an attempt to comfort her father.

"I know anak, I know. I just wish" he started looking away.

"Tatay stop. Don't do this" Maine whispered fighting the tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"You're right, I'm sorry" he apologized while clearing his throat. "I'll just go to that coffee shop" Teodoro said while pointing to a nearby Starbucks. "Call me if you need me okay" he added.

"I promise, Tatay" Maine reassured while stepping back before closing the door to the car. She waited until her father drove away before she turned and headed inside the building.


Maine stepped into the building elevators and pressed 20. As the lift rose 1 floor after the other, her conscience went into overdrive once more. But before she could give in, the elevator doors opened onto the 20th floor and she had no choice but to step out and push the double glass doors that had Faulkerson Industries written on them. She entered the most posh, most opulent office space she had ever laid her eyes on, let alone stepped into. As her heels made the first noise as it touched the marble floor, the receptionist lifted her head up and smiled the most fake smile ever. Maine approached the reception desk and the smile faker named Donna (or so her nametag states) looked her up and down as if inspecting a christmas tree and when she was satisfied with what she saw, she looked up again.

"Good morning ma'am. May I help you" she asked with a quirk of her perfectly sculpted eye brow.

"Yes. I have a 10:30 appointment with Mr. Richard Faulkerson Jr. My name is Nicomaine Mendoza."

"Oh of course. He's expecting you. Please go right ahead. It's the double oak doors straight ahead. I'll just let him know you're here" Donna stated while picking up the phone.

Maine started walking towards the direction that Donna pointed to. She could hear Donna faintly talking on the phone saying "she's heading your way" as she was walking away. The staccato of her heels echoed the loudness of the beat of her heart and before she knew it, she was standing in front of the double oak doors. She took a deep breath and prepared herself to knock but before her knuckles could connect on the door, an attack of conscience hit her square on the face. Shit! I don't think I can do this! I'm so sorry Ate, I don't think I can go through this. Forgive me. She was about to turn around and run but then one of the doors was pulled open from the inside!

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