The End

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My sincerest apologies for this long awaited update. Since I posted the last update, my whole household had been sick, including me. And then other stuff happened. But if I'm being honest with myself and to you, the real reason for the prolonged update is because I was very reluctant to end this story. I've developed an affinity with the characters that ending their story felt like an injustice. Get me? No? That's ok. Anyways, thank you for waiting. I truly appreciate it. Thank you for the read, the votes and the comments and the friendship that developed from this book. It was definitely a roller coaster ride!

Well, without further ado, here it is! I wrote this chapter at work and I so badly wanted to post it before I have my days off again, so please excuse the mistakes since it is unedited.

Strong and suggestive language used. Thank you!


"Hhhhhmmm, that's nice" Richard mumbled as he continued to place kisses on his wife's neck.

Maine stood still for a minute, befuddled and out of sorts. Then it dawned on her that Richard might not have heard what she said. So this time, she pushed him back a little, placing some distance between them, making sure that her husband was looking at her before she spoke.

"Alden. My water just broke."

"Yeah I hea....wait....WHAAATTT?!?"

And there it was! Maine watched as Richard transformed from a fully aroused alpha male to a panicked papa bear. His face became the classic example of a confused caveman; his brain and body not connecting. It was quite hilarious really. If not for the fact that Maine could feel the puddle between her feet getting bigger and wetter, she would've laughed her brains out. But she needed to get control of the situation. Because Richard was now in a full blown panic.

"Hey, Alden. Love?" Maine stated, reaching her hands out to cup her husband's face. "Listen. It's ok. We need to go to the hospital, that's all. So why don't you put some clothes on while I go take a quick shower. Then, call Dr. Rufino to let her know what's going on. Can you do that?" Maine added as if talking to a five year old child.

At first, Richard's mind was twirling and he could see his wife talking to him but her words were not registering. All he could think of was "this is it! I'm going to be a father! Oh my god, help me!" And as those words kept circling in his head, he realized that his wife was speaking to him. It took all of his willpower to focus on Maine and actually try to understand what she was saying. 

"Okay. Put clothes on, take shower then call doctor. GOT IT!" Richard remarked while walking to the bathroom.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Maine asked puzzled.

"To put clothes on."

"But your clothes are over there." Maine states, pointing in the opposite direction.

"Of course they are" Richard mumbled.

"Alden? Love?"


"Are you gonna be okay?"

"Sure, sure."

"No love! I need you to look me in the eye and tell me you can do this. Because I need you to do this! I need you. Please!"

Well that plea from his wife was enough to make Richard pause and actually think of what's really happening. Sheesh Faulkerson! Get a fucking grip! You're wife is about to go into labour and you're acting like a child!

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